chapter seven.

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*6 Months Later*

I looked at the clock, the time ticking down the seconds until it was finally summer break.

C'mon.. I said inside my head, just 10 more seconds.









The bell signaling the end of the day, and the school year, rang louder than ever as kids rushed out of their seats, throwing their papers everywhere, obviously not caring about their teachers scolding them.

I quickly made my way out of English class, smiling. I was finally able to get a break from this awful place. This summer was going to be my best one yet. I've made so many new friends, and even a.. boyfriend.

I was never one of those girls who was able to settle down and get committed, because of my partying lifestyle. But now that I was completely sober, I was able to enjoy life to the fullest.

After going to my locker and clearing all of my belongings from it, I shut it and began walking out of the front doors. The light breeze slightly made my hair blow backwards. It was a beautiful day out, sunny and warm. It was officially summer.

Right when I exited the building, i began searching for him. I looked left and right, and finally found his car, with him leaning on the side of it, smoking a cigarette. I mentally rolled my eyes, because smoking isn't healthy, but I couldn't help but find it the least bit attractive.

He looked up, the brim of his hat wasn't blocking my field of vision from his eyes now, which were covered by a pair of sunglasses. When he saw me, a small smile drew upon his plump lips as he pulled his glasses off, hanging them off of his shirt. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. When we pulled away, all we could do is smile at each other.

"Hi babe." He said to me.

"Hey Calum." I said back, playfully. He gave me a quick kiss as I ran to the passenger side door, hopping in.

School ending made me realize how much my life has changed within the past six months. At the beginning of the year, Jess dragged me to that awful party where I met Michael. Oh, Michael. I thought we really had something going for awhile. However, after the night that we all went to the river, and he told me how he felt about me, he started becoming... distant. Eventually, distant became not talking to me anymore and completely ignoring me. I didn't know what I did, until I realized that he had left me for someone else. Amber.

Amber is a 5'9" underwear model who looks like she had been created in photoshop, and then sent out into the real world. She was every guy's dream, including Michael's. It hit me hard, and I was so utterly upset over the fact that he could just dump me to the side like that, I relapsed. That's when Calum came in. The night at the river was also the night that he revealed he had feelings for me, but I rejected him for Michael, who ended up leaving me behind. When things got rough, Calum was there for me, and I guess I just found myself falling for him.

"Babe. Baaaabe. BABE!" I heard. I quickly snapped out of my daydream to find Calum laughing at me. "Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking." I replied, looking out of the window.

"About how great your boyfriend is?" He smirked.

I loved it when he called himself my boyfriend, or calling me his girlfriend. And I love being able to call him my boyfriend and say that I'm his girlfriend. He's not only my boyfriend, but also my best friend. Yeah, I have Jess, but she's never really there for me like Calum is.

"How did you know?"

"Good guess." He chuckled, turning up the radio


I was laying in bed thinking about everything I could've done to save it. My relationship with Michael, I mean. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it, because I have Calum, but.. I can't help it. I wonder every single day why he all of a sudden became so distant and uncomfortable around me. Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? I must have. I wish he would've at least told me why. I could ask him, I still have his number.

I began reaching for my iPhone before I stopped myself.

Chloe, you're being pathetic. You have Calum, not Michael. Michael doesn't care about you, Calum does.

I sighed, not knowing what my life had led to. Why was I so caught up over one boy? I've done this plenty of times before, why was this different?

The most important question that comes in my head is, "Does he feel this way too?"




It's been forever!

But I'm soo super busy that I barely have time to breathe.

I know this is super short, but I'm hoping I'll be able to update tomorrow night as well to make up for it :-)

I just wanted to give you all something because it's been awhile. I'm falling asleep typing this because it's been such a long day xx

hope you liked it :-)


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-Shannon xox

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