Angels Flying

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Disclaimer: All songs said to be written by the main character I do not own. All rights belong to  their writers/composers.

 It is a peaceful and quiet morning at Charlemagne High School. The snow is  falling slowly. Glistening and sparkling beautifully as it accumulates on the ground. The clouds are a beautiful deep grey, the trees are bare, covered with powdery snow. I walk into school and as usual, everybody stops to look at me. I guess you can say that I'm... Different. Everything about me is different than most people. First of all, my hair is white and long. I kind of am a loner. I'm actually quite smart and talented but nobody really know.I usually wear colors of the seasons to school, and being winter, the colors are blues and whites.

Huh... I wish somebody could see past my exterior and look into my soul and see the true person I really am. That sensitive, lonely boy I am. My name is Eliot. I am in 10th grade and I already have the qualifications to graduate from high school. So, having all my credits, I only take extracurricular classes that have to do with music, art, and cooking. Those are my 3 passions in life besides clothes and my hair.(HAHAHAHA!!!)

Even though I have everything I could ask for, everyday... just becomes harder and harder to bare. I feel like there is... a whole inside of me. A whole deep inside my soul that is spewing at the brims with loneliness and the most evil of darkness. A darkness that not even the holiest of light can illuminate this whole... no, cavern inside my heart.

I walk to the auditorium for which my first period is and I'm the only person in that class. There is not even a music teacher for this class because that is how many people wanted to join. Nobody except me. I put my bag on the stage along with some of my school books that I carry around and start to sing. I sing a song I wrote back in 3rd grade. A song that for the last 7 years I have sung.

"Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived, life can be loved alone."

Notes: Dear readers, I hope you didn't start crying while reading this. If you did, well, thank you as well. Knowing that tells me that those of you who are sentimental about things like this have a good heart. This story doesn't have anything to do with my actual life, but... for a long time early on I kind of felt this way. Being alone and know one knowing who you actually are accept for what you appear to be. The video to the left is "Learn to Be Lonely" ad that is the version Eliot sings exactly. You will notice that in most of my stories, one male character will have an upper register voice.

Lyrics for "Learn to Be Lonely" can be found at this link:

Phantom Of The Opera - Learn To Be Lonely Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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