An Angel in Hell part 3

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Chapter 5(extended): An Angel in Hell part 3

The ice finishes melting and I sigh. I look at my phone to see what time it was. It is 6:37am. I can't believe that only 27 minutes have gone by. I decide to go to the library. I walk in and only the librarians are in. I go upstairs to my normal spot and put my things down. I look through the bookshelves around me. The reason I sit here everyday is because of the books in this section of the library. I love reading sappy romance novels and comics. I guess I wish someone would love me. I mean, Aaron loves me but that's because he is my brother.

 Today, I am in the tragic romance section. I have been through this section like a million times. I find a new book that I either missed or someone has always checked it out when I looked. I put my hand up and grab it.

Right then and there, my skin goes cold and my face turns from pale peach to white as a ghost. I can feel a hot, steamy breath down my neck. My eyes wide open. I feel so uncomfortable.

"Hey. Funny seeing you here." He says in a deep, creepy voice.

I don't answer, I am shaking. I have never felt this scared in all my life even when my parents threatened to... to...

"You really are a slippery one. The other day, I couldn't help see you get away." He said devilishly.

I can feel him get closer to me. He is breathing down my neck.

He continues, "And you know, I can't help it but I heard that you froze an entire lake just by running across it. I wonder..."

I am starting to sweat. I am getting so hot it's not even funny. He grabs the arm that is on the book and flings me around. The book falls out of it's spot on the shelf. He pins my arm above my head is staring at me devilishly. I turn my head down and close my eyes.

"What's the matter. Are you... Afraid?" He asks scarily.

I don't reply. in my mind, I am just wishing for him to go away. After a second or two, I say something.

"Please stop." I whimper.

He replies like pervert, "What's the matter? Cat got your..."

My eyes open widely then close shut. I am sweating and right now. I  feel like I am going to die.

"Please... Stop." I whimper again.

"Why? You know it feels good." He say as he is touching me.

I am starting to blush because of how embarrassed I am.

"Please stop!" Before I know it, tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"Awh... The poor baby is starting to cry." He say as he moves his hand up and under my skirt.

My eyes open wide.

"But don't worry, no one will be here to save you this time." He says.

He then closes his eyes and starts to move in. I laugh inside.

"You think I am that naïve?" I ask strongly. Inside though I am still a wreck. I hope putting on a strong face that he will stop.

"No I don't. I know you are that naïve. And that you are as scared as a girl and won't do anything to stop me from getting what I want." He says keeping his eyes closed.

After a second, I finally pull myself together. I open my eyes and shove him with all the energy I have left. He goes flying back into another bookshelf, causing it to fall over and all the books fall out. I run and grab my things. I don't stop at my locker, I just run out of school, trying to get as far away as possible. The snow is starting to fall even harder; the wind is picking up. As I run, I can see ice starting to cover everything, the school, houses, parked cars, everything.. I run through the park but then I slip on some ice. The impact  of my head on the ice caused me to black out.

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