The Note

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Chapter 2: The Note

Just like every typical day after school I stay in the school library and read until it closes. I always sit in the back corner of the library, on the floor amidst the bookshelves. By now the librarians know where I sit so each day just before the library closes, they come to where I sit and tell that it's close to closing time. And then I leave.

My house is not far from school so I always walk home. The sun is usually setting by this time but it  is snowing so it is just over cast out. A cold breeze blows my scarf and my hair softly along with my clothes. As I walk home, I can feel that someone is following me. I don't turn around but I quicken up my pace. I can hear the people also quicken their walking. I see the park that is close to my house. I usually walk through it to get to the next street over where my house is. In the middle, there is a lake. Hopefully, I can loose my tailgaters by going through the park. I start to run and my tailgaters do as well. I turn into the park then hide in the dense trees. Wearing white today comes with it's advantages. I hide there for quite some time.

When I don't hear any footsteps near by, I slowly walk away from my hiding spot and continue through the park. I was wrong. My tailgaters where still looking for me and found me. When I saw them, I ran again. I ran to the big lake but I remembered something. The lake has 2 rivers that flow into it and the bridge crossing each side of the lake had collapsed after some idiots where fooling around by them. They where old bridges so... Yeah. I turn around and back up. My tailgaters are almost upon me when I almost loose my footing. But... It wasn't me losing my footing, It was me adjusting to a new surface. I stepped on the water and... it froze. I looked back at my feet and see this. Then back up to see my tailgaters almost in top of me. I decide to run across the lake. Each step I take freezes the water beneath. I know for a fact that my followers can't cross that lake now and for today, I have alluded them. But, I'm still afraid.

 I don't stop running until I reach my house. When I do, I sigh and catch my breath. I check the mailbox and see if there is any mail and like usual, there is for my parents who are never home. That's why I am always in the library after school, I'm not really needed at home. My younger brother is very popular so he is never home either. So everyday, I come home, do any work I might have to do, feed my cat and then go upstairs. I love my cat, one day I was walking home and it was just there, abandoned on the street. I know this feeling to well so I decided that I would take it in. And since then, it is my only friend. I named it Christine. She is the only thing I actually love besides my brother. Even though he really isn't around, when he is, we talk and have some quality time together.

I sort through the mail into separate piles like usual and like always the biggest pile of mail is for Aaron (my brother). But to my surprise, I got a piece of mail today. I take Christine, her food, my dinner and the letter to my room and close the door. I set her down on the floor with her food in front of her. As she eats, I open the letter and read it. Christine finishes her dinner before I read it so I pick her up  and put her on my bed. I then take a look on what is written on the letter. There is only one thing written.


I am going to kill you!

(There is no signature)

I drop the letter when I read this and start to cry. I grab and squeeze my pillow and cry into it. I cry for hours until I fall asleep. Soon, Christine falls asleep right next to me...

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