The Brake-In

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Chapter 12: The Brake-In


School fazes out and summer comes. The weather was gorgeous. Bright and sunny every day. The temperature was right at 80 degrees. Perfect for my taste. Perfect for Andy too. Everyday we went to the beach; we walked hand in hand and ate ice cream together. It was so much fun.

I had to wear lots of sunblock on my face because my skin is a little too pale to be out in the sun. I burn really easily so I  wore a shirt usually. Not like I wasn't going to anyway. But Andy... Wow. He got this beautiful tan. I'm kind of jealous to be honest. It was like a creamy... stretchy...caramel.

I never went in the water... Instead I did something I always wanted to do. I collected sea shells. I would hunt for shells close to the shore; so the water would just reach my feet and so I could watch Andy. He looked like he was having so much fun. Funny thing, I never noticed this but, he's actually quite hot when like this.

By the end of summer, I still managed to get a bad sunburn. Andy felt really bad so he kept on trying to make it up to me and like always I told him not to but he did anyway. He got me strawberries and lotion and candles... Everything I like. But he doesn't realize that just having him is enough for me. I don't need gifts and things to be happy.  Just him...

School starts up again and we get working. Juniors already. I can't believe it. We share a couple of classes together. Along with taking my chorus classes, which surprisingly has a lot of people in it this year, I take some Family Consumers Science classes. For 11th grades, taking these classes are recommended for electives so Andy took them. We sit next to each other everyday in the back of the room. When it comes to projects like cooking and sewing, we always work together. It's kind of funny actually, our teacher thinks we are cute together. Things got weird when she said that, but hey, whatever.

We share have 5th period lunch together. Everyday when the sky is clear and the suns rays beat down, we sit under that beautiful Willow tree over looking that big pond. We bring a blanket and a little basket with us for lunch. Andy always leans against the tree's giant trunk; I rest against him. My head always my way to his shoulder as does his arm around my waist. Life is so... peaceful with him. I feel like I never want these moments to end.

The rest of the  day we are separate which is good. In a healthy relationship, you need some separation. It keeps things fresh and new.

October 2nd

I wake up to the ringing of our alarm clock. I swear to god I'm going to through that thing out the damn window soon. I slowly unravel Andy's trim arms from around me and get up. I look back to try and find my shirt amongst the human and blanket that has engulfed the bed. I didn't find it. Oh well. I'll find it later. I grab my some clothes for the day a head and my towel that I folded last night and placed on the dresser.

The water against my soft skin felt so reviving from a long night. Hm... I  why there are so many different body washes and shampoos in here. I know I only use one of each. Keeps my hair all fabulous. Yeah...

(Never say that word again. You hear me!) My inner self yells at me.


I chuckle at this thought. I turn off the water and reach for my towel that was hanging on the rack. I don't feel anything there, just a metal bar. I peer out and see it on the vanity folded up. I don't remember leaving it like that. I thought I hung it on the rack like usual. The curtain opens and my foot makes it's way to the soft mat on the floor. I reach for my towel on the vanity and as I pull it to me, a paper flies out from under it. I pat my face dry then wrap my towel around me as I grab the paper.

        I know where you sleep. I know who you love. I know all of your secrets. I know who you ARE. And I am coming after you.

P.S. Hey sexy.

I unfold the bottom of the paper and reveal a scary sight. It was a collage of photos... Of me and Andy... With a circle around my head and a X over it. I recognize the most recent picture of just me was taken yesterday when I was at the mall buying Andy a birthday gift. How did this person get so close to me and I didn't see them? There was only one way into that store... The very last picture is the most disturbing one out of them all causing me to scream. THE PERSON WAS IN THE BATHROOM WITH ME! THEY TOOK A PICTURE OF ME IN THE SHOWER!

Andy and his parents start knocking on the door frantically after the scream died out in the house. I didn't open the door, all I did was slip the letter and the pictures under the door slowly and then sat on the hard tile floor against the wall. I didn't come out for about an hour.

Apparently someone broke into the house through the back door and managed to disarm the security system within a minute. The cops that came took observations around the house and talked to the neighbors and me about what happened. Like my statement could help. I was in the shower. It's not like I was thinking, "Hey. Take a look out the curtain because someone is being a pervert and stalking you." Yeah that is a perfectly normal thing to do...

The Police are done processing the house after an hour or so. I sit on the stairs, leaning against the wall. As they  leave, they try to encourage me to stay positive but all that does is drive me to tears.

"I'm safe nowhere."

I feel a soft hand against my shoulder. "Yes you are... Just... Not here. Not right now." My eyes open slowly, water still pouring out of my eyes.

"What are you saying?" I raise my head to make contact with Andy's father's eyes. He takes a seat on a step below me.

"I talked with Maria and... we decided to send you and Andrew away. Just for a couple of weeks so everything can calm down. We've already contacted the school and they agree along with the authorities." Andy and his mom come around the corner from the kitchen. She nods to everything said.

I shake my head in disbelief. "You don't have to do this. I'm not worth the expense. I can take care of myself..."

Maria stops me from speaking. "Don't start that start Elliot! You too are worth it!"

I just sigh. No I'm not. I'm not worth anything... Tears roll down my cheeks slowly as I put my head into my lap.

"Elliot. You are worth it. You're every penny in the world to me...  mom and dad... and Aaron. I know how awful you were treated for so many years. Being neglected, beaten, told you were useless and also I know your father was the one who gave you all those scars..." I hear his parents gasp a little for the truth finally was told.

"But there are people in this world who love you and will fight for you no matter what. And know I will always love you." My eyes open and wander up to Andy's face. There's a twinkle in his eye and a tear about to roll down.

"You... How did you?"

"Aaron told me last year... but I wanted you to tell me when you were ready."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Andy's father asks while getting up from the step to allow Andy to go up and sit next to me.

I have to think about this. Why didn't I tell even Andy. "I guess... I was just too ashamed. Like I did something wrong."

"You never did." All our heads turn to the open door. "You never did anything wrong. You were always in your room, alone."

"Aaron... "

"Now go Elliot. Go were it's safe."

That was when I knew that I wasn't alone. That night, we left. I wasn't told where we were going but it's a far away place for sure. On the plane that we took, I fell asleep on Andy's arm. I felt safer already. I hope everybody will be okay...

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