Unexpected Discoveries

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Chapter 8: Unexpected Discoveries


The night is a cold and nippy one. The wind blows fiercely. The branches of the delicate cherry tree branches are twitching in the breeze. The moon is full and bright with no cloud in sight...

"ELIOT!!!" I scream as I wake up.

My forehead is covered in sweat. My heart is racing and I can barely catch my breath. I am sitting up on my bed, with my head in my hands when my parents came running in my room.

"Son!?! Are you alright?" My mother asks worriedly.

They see me frightened. My father walks to the end of my bed and takes a seat. My mother walks to the other side of my bed and sits next to me.

"Andrew... What happened? What did you dream about?" My dad asks calmly.

My mom grabs my hand and holds them tightly.

I say out of breath, "I... I saw... Eliot... He was..." I stop and begin to tear up.

"What... Continue. What was he?" My mom asks.

"He was... lying on the ground somewhere. He was... hurt... cold and pale as ice..."

"Relax. It was only a dream." My dad says reassuringly. "He is probably asleep in his bed. Which you should be doing too."

"Ye... Yeah... Your right..." I say still shaken up a little.

"Don't worry honey. He is fine. You will see in the morning." She said.

If only she was right... My parents leave my room. I try falling asleep but every time I do I get the same picture of Eliot in my head. And like every time, I wake up sweating. By the time I usually get up at 5:30, I had waken up 7 times. My head is burning up so I take some cold medicine. Maybe I was just hallucinating due to a head cold. I don't know... I get dressed slowly and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and weirdly my parents are up. They are never up at this time so it is weird to see them. I know I am running late so instead of making breakfast, I just grab some fruit and head out the door. Before I left, obviously my mom asks if I want to stay home today if I don't feel well... but, I decide I have to go. I meet Eliot on the north bridge everyday before we go to school together. I need to make sure what I dreamt was a dream and nothing more.

When I get there, the wind is howling. The temperature is 12 degrees out. So much for spring. It feels like the middle of winter. I stand there waiting... and waiting... but nobody ever came. Around 10 before 6 I have to leave our spot otherwise I will be late for school. For Eliot not to show... was very unusual. My heart is a little heavy as I walk to school... Maybe he went in early for some reason. Maybe he accidently slept in. There are many reasons why he didn't show... Right?

As I get closer to school, I can hear the blaring of sirens get louder and louder. Soon I can see a crowd develop. Develop right in front of the school. I see one of my best of friends and I walk to her.

"Hey Tara!" I wave my hand.

She sees me and starts walking my way. She is saddened. When see gets to me, I ask, "What is wrong? Why is everybody standing out here in the bitter cold?"

All she does is point her finger. I look the way she points and see nothing but a crowd. I start to walk in the direction she pointed. When I came close to the crowd, the people who saw me backed out of my way. All their heads were facing down full of sadness. When I reach the edge of the crowd and finally see what the commotion is all about... My heart shatters. For what I see... Is the one I love... cold and pale as ice... laying on the ground... in a pool of frozen blood... Even though there was a barrier set up by the police, I run right through it. My eyes begin to swell in tears as I run to Eliot... The cops see me and try to stop me. They grab my arms but I win over them. I fall to my knees when I reach him. Tears pour down my face, landing everywhere on Eliot's pale face. I lift his head and place in on my knees.

The cops don't stop me from doing this... I don't know why but they don't. I continue to cry over Eliot. My hand is stroking his beautiful, silky hair now hard and sticky due to the blood. His face seems so peaceful but... why now... I bring his head up to my shoulder and put my hand behind his head. I cry onto his shoulder like a never ending waterfall. I kiss his soft cheek. As soon as my lips leave his skin, I can feel something. My eyes widen and I lay Eliot back down.

"Eliot?" I ask softly.

No answer is said but I can see him slowly breathing. You know how when it is so cold, you can see your breath when you exhale? Well that is how I can tell. My tears start to become tears of joy. People start to see him breathing as well. I start to get excited.

"Eliot!?!" I say with lots of hope.

By now, the police had called for an ambulance and came over to us. Eliot's head is still in my lap. I stroke his cold cheek softly and when I do, slowly, his eyes open.

"Andy?" I can hear him ask very softly.

"Yes. Help is on the way. You will be safe. I wont leave you for one moment." I say lovely.

I overwhelmed with joy but I am keeping under control. For Eliot's' sake. Otherwise, I probably would be singing to... Oh I don't know. I probably would be singing to the angels and screaming or crying tears of joy. So many emotions but to many right now is not helpful at all. It is more like a nuisance.

Eliot smiles a weak smile when I say this. Then he closes his eyes again and passes out in my arms. Not eve 3 minutes later, the ambulance arrives. The paramedics quickly take Eliot and stabilize him in the ambulance. Before they leave, the cops allow me to go with him in the ambulance to the hospital. The entire time I hold his hand. By now, my clothes is covered in cold, semi-wet blood but I don't care. What matters to me the most at this moment... is Eliot.

At the hospital, Eliot goes into surgery for stiches. Seeing all the blood on me, the nurse checks me out to make sure I am not in any physical danger. I guess it is there gobs to check anyone with a ridiculous amount of blood on them. Anyway, after the nurse is done with her examinations, I call my parents and ask them to bring me some new clothes... And also... to somehow bring Aaron if possible. I wait outside of surgery in nothing but hospital greens for about an hour until my parents arrive.

When I saw them, I saw someone else with them as well. It was Aaron. I could see he was confused, sad, and afraid. He doesn't say a word to me. All he does is take a seat and whip out his phone. I can see he went onto Facebook, then Twitter, and posted about being hear at the hospital. Also, the jingle went off each time he posted something new. My parents give me the clothes they brought me and I get changed. While I am at it, I reply to Aaron's posts. He answers me back and I am surprised to see what it said.


Andy. Don't speak to me ever again. I know you had something to do with this!

I reply in a calm fashion.


Aaron. I love your brother. I would never do anything to hurt him. Anyway, my dad dropped Eliot back at your house around 10:50 last night. I literally have a text from my dad reassuring me that he got Eliot home safe.

He replies somewhat quickly.


But... How did this happen? If you weren't the last to see him...and your dad dropped him off... Who did this and how did he end up in front of the high school?


I don't know. Believe me, if I did, you would be the first to know. Eliot loves you and he wouldn't want you of all people to be told last if something was to happen. That... is the truth.

He doesn't respond. I finish getting changed then go to rejoin my parents and Aaron outside of surgery. They weren't there for some reason. I find one of the nurses who was in the room and asked where Eliot was taken since it was obvious he was either moved or something else like that.

"The patient in surgery was moved to a recovery room." The Nurse says.

"Oh, thanks. Do you know the room number?" I ask.

She smiles, "221A."

"Thank you." I smile and walk away swiftly.

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