An Angel in Hell part 4

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Chapter 5(extended): An Angel in Hell part 4

Hours later I wake up. My vision is blurred but I can see the outline of someone.

"Hello? Are you alright? Hello?"

My vision clears up and soon I can  see clearly.

"Hey are you alright?" He asks me worried.

"Where... where am I?" I ask.

"You are at the park. I just found you passed out on a patch of ice. Is your head okay?"

"I... I don't know." I lift my head out of his lap. It hurts.

"Easy... Where do you live? I'll take you home." He says compassionately.

"I live... around the corner. I cut through the park to get to school from home." I say barely.

"Can you stand?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say.

He tries to stand me up but I just can't stay standing. I keep on falling. After several failed times, he just picks me up. I put my arm around his neck to make it a little easier for him to carry me. Every know and then, he asked me if I was alright. I barely said anything but I at least gave a nod. In truth, I wasn't. My head is pounding. I just want... to fall asleep...

Hmmmm...... I open my eyes slowly and I yawn.

"Hey. Glad you are awake." I heard someone call out from the kitchen.

He comes into the living room and kneels besides me. He puts a bag full of ice on my head.

"That should help. Now, let's start with do you know your name?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah..." I reply closing my eyes.

"And it is?" He asks.

"My name is Eliot. I live with my brother, mother and father who both hate me and barely talk to me." I reply as if I have memorized that line.

"Um... I didn't need to know that much but now that I do, is everything alright?" He asks.

"Alright? Yes. Normal? no." I reply slowly.

"How do you figure?" He asks.

"Well everyday is the same routine. I get home, feed Christine, make myself dinner and lock myself in my room so I don't have to see my parents. Then in the morning, I get up at 5:00 am and leave for school at 6:00am. When I get to school, everybody looks at me like I'm some type of alien and I spend the rest of my day alone." I reply slowly and sad.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Well, my name is Andy and I just moved here. And... I am going to your school starting tomorrow." He replied hopeful.

"My school? Don't be hopeful. If you are different anyway, you will be treated just as bad as me. And that is not good. Am I kidding, today has been the worst  day I have ever had." I reply sadly.

"What happened? Tell me. I know how it feels to bottle things up but sometimes it helps to tell people about it." He says reassuring.

"No...nothing. Please don't ask." I say upset.

"Okay." He replies.

" Andy, why did you help me?" I ask.

He looks at me weirdly. "Why? Because I was worried about you. I saw you laying in the snow and thought you where dead. When I saw that you where alright, I couldn't just leave you. I wanted to take you home, but you fell asleep as I carried you so I just brought you to my home."

"But why? I am worth nothing. I always have been and always will be. I have no friends, people walk away from me jus because I am a little different. Why would you be worried about a nobody like me who deserves nothing more than death?" I ask sadly."

" Don't say that. You have to mean something to someone." He replies.

"Okay. When you find someone to put on the list, let me know." I reply. I then add, "Look. I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm just going to go home..."

He replies, "Stop. Take it easy. You are not causing any trouble at all. Anyway, you are in no condition to walk. Please... rest..."

I look and see his pleading eyes. Those gorgeous, amber eyes shimmering in the light. I feel my heart start to beat a little faster. We both stare at each other for several minutes until his parents got home. He got to his feet and opened the door. They had several bags with them from the store. He takes them into the kitchen. I don't know what he tells them. All I know is that my head is still throbbing. Soon, I fall into a deep sleep. On that for the first time, is filled with someone else besides hate. I dreamt of Andy for some reason. 

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