Unexplainable Love (Harry Styles FanFic)

978 7 2

     NO! NO! I screamed trying to get out of his grip. "Get back here you lifeless peice of trash! he yelled smacking my face hard. The tears were now pouring down my face. The words and hits were getting harder to take. "GET OFF ME" i screamed stomping on his foot and running. I just kept running and running until my lungs couldn't take it any longer. Why, why did my mother choose him out of all the men, she chose that lifeless bastard. I thought to myself over and over again. I sat there crying behind a car for about an hour now.

  To tell you about myself my name is Alice but you can call me Allie for short. I have long black hair that i always leave straight like today but sometimes i curl it. My signiture styles are colorful skinny jeans, converes, and those cool penny tees. I have blue eyes and a very up beat vibe for how im treated. I have two best friends Lucy and Lizzie. We are inseperable, we listen to the same music especially One Direction. I cant live without them especially Harry Edward Styles. Mmm he is soo fine anyway that is me.

    I plug in my ear buds and play One Direction's Moments so loud i hope no by passer sees me. I live in the very busy city of Monterey California. I really like it here its by the beach and i always come here to calm down and listen to the waves... my train of thought was interrupted when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up scared to death if it was my step dad but when i looked up i couldn'y believe who i saw.

"Ello lovely may i ask what's the matter?" if you don't belive me you should but it was HARRY STYLES. OMG i am so fangurling on the inside. I start to blush relizing that my make up was probably everywhere. "Umm nothing i was just leaving." i said rather quickly. "Wow there wait a minute can i get your name before you take off" he asks winking at me. "Its Allie" i smiled and then ran home...afraid as ever. Now that i think about it was i behind his car the whole time..Uh Oh.

   Hey guys i re-wrote a different fanfic i hope you guys like it comment if you want to read more~ Harry's Mistress xxx

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