Chapter 15

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Allie's P.O.V

    "Will you do the honer of being my girlfriend?" Harry asked. My breathe hitched in my throat. I was thinking i dont know why but i did i just sat there quiet. After about 2 minutes i broke the silence with "Harry i love the way you smile i love the way you flip your curls and the way you laugh, i love the way your eyes light up when you smile and when you kissed me i was amazed at how you could ever love a girl like me and that Harry is why i would LOVE to be your girlfriend." I looked at Harry who had a smile spread all across his face. I leaned in and smashed my lips onto his. We sat there kissing not ro roughly but not to softly it was the first ever real kiss i had. He trailed his tounge across my bottom lip asking for enterance. I let his tounge explore my mout for about another five minutes when i felt water on my face. I pulled away looking around. "Whats wrong A." Harry asked with a confused look on his face. "Harry i think the Sp-" i was cut off mid sentance when a sprinkler hit the both of us right in the face. Harry looked at me with a smirk on his face. "What" i asked. He lifted me up by my waist and ran with me in his arms to the sprinklers. "Harry Why" I squealed. We bot started laughing as we ran in the water.  "Harry come here." i said inching closer to him. He started walking to me slowly i lent up to kiss him i stopped JUST as our lips were going to touch and ran. "Allie where are you going?" Harry laughed. "Your such a tease."

Harry's P.O.V

 "Your such a tease." "I KNOW I AM" she said while chuckling to herself. I finally caught up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up and i starting spinning her around. "HARRY" She squeeled. I just kept laughing oh how i love this girl.

 Ima Barbie Girl In A Barbie World

Life's Fanastic Cause im Plastic-

My phone was ringing i blushed because that was Louis ringing me and he put Barbie Girl as his ring tone. "Hello" i said. "Wassup my brosephness?" "Um Louis dont say that ever again." "I wasnt planning on it aha well any way Liam said you guys have to come back now." "Alright we are on our way." I started walking towards Allie who was doubling over in laughter. "What is so funny.." I asked starting to laugh myself. "Why. Is. Barbie. Girl. Your. Ringtone." she said in between laughs. "Louis pt it in there" I stated. "We have to be getting back M'lady." Alrighty then My Fair Sir."


"Where have you guys been its 3:30 in the morning and why are you wet and-" "Woah woah woah Li Li" Allie said giggling. "I showed him round town and we had dinner and then we went to the park and the auotmatic sprinklers came on and we ran around in them and now we are here." She said as calm as a high hippie. "alright we have an interview tomarrow or should i say at 8 a.m. so Harry get some sleep." Liam said walking into his room. Allie and i walked into my room. "im going to go the bathroom." allie said. "you mean i dont get to watch." i said faking hurt. She just laughed and walked away. I stripped down to my boxers and hid in the closet. Allie walked out of the bathroom looking confused but just slipped under the covers. i tiptoed quietly and i jumped on her. "AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL HARRY" she screamed. "sssshhhhh shhh calm down it was just a calm joke." i said calming her down. "Are you alright now" i asked.  "I guess so." she said agitated. I started humming the words to "Everything About You" and wrapped my arms around her. I wasnt tired mushso i was  listening to her soft breathing. She was so cute when she slept. I could not deny i was falling for Allie fast but i know it was ment to be i can feel it deep down in my heart. I soon fell asleep with a smile on my face just thinking about her ALWAYS made me smile.

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