~Chapter 2~

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"Hey!" Misaki yelled after Takumi who left her in her apartment. All he yelled back was for her to catch up to him. "Wait for me."

"Catch up Misaki or are you out of shape?" Takumi answered back picking up his pace.

Misaki clutched onto her purse tightly, "Just you wait!"

She sped up her pace but so did Takumi. Soon there are two crazy looking people running down the street catching the attention of others.

"Got you," Misaki said out of breath but at least she has her target. "Can't keep running can you?"

"We're here," Takumi answered pointing to a boutique sign label classy.

Misaki glared at him but still entered the shop. She didn't manage to catch him in the end. Whilst looking around the store Misaki noticed the clothes, shoes, and accessories look really great and expensive. "Are you sure we should shop here Takumi? My budget isn't exactly this-"

"I'm going to pay for it," Takumi stated sitting down on one of the chairs they had for customers.


"I'm going to pay for it," He repeated, picking up a glass of champagne from a tray an employee was holding.

"Why would you?" Misaki questioned feeling uncomfortable in the store. This wasn't her kind of thing.

"I'm your coach and I should cover the costs. I did force you into this right?" Takumi tried to reason with her.

"But still..."Misaki tailed off still a little wary. "These clothes aren't me. I don't want to change who I am."

Takumi shook his head. "I won't change who you are. Rumor has it you could've been a really huge money-making lawyer."

Misaki nodded, "Along the way, he told me to take things easy and I did. I started to help with his work and forgot about mine."

"Well, it's time for you to become the lawyer you could be right?" He said, examining the glass in his hand.

"What? What do you mean?"

"You've got to dress the part of a very successful lawyer. You're really beautiful. Don't hide that beauty."

Misaki blushed turning away from him. "Maybe we should start trying on clothes."

"You weren't so eager before a-"

"Shut it," Misaki warned pointing her finger at him.

"Fine," He agreed. Takumi motioned to the sales ladies. "Bring out your best business wear."

"Yes sir!"

"Why do I need to change my business wear?" Misaki questioned looking at the dresses being laid out for her.

"How you dress sometimes shows your confidence. Right now you need that so start trying things on."

Misaki picked up a few clothing and went into a change room. She stepped out three minutes later in her first outfit.

Takumi looked up. "Are you a grandma?"

Misaki huffed and goes back in. She came back out with something she knew he'll like.

"I said best business wear not worst," Takumi said to the sales ladies when he saw the next outfit.

Changing into endless dresses began.

"How about this?"




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