+35 | author's note

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I just want to preface this by saying sorry. I'm terrible at updating, and to make matters worse, I promised an epilogue and that's just not going to happen. A lot of things have contributed to my decision (lack of motivation being a major factor), but in the end, the reason I've decided to end things where I left them is because I just don't think this book needs an epilogue. I like where things have left off. I like that everything that needed to be wrapped up was wrapped up but there are still open ends. But after spending so long trying to write an epilogue and ultimately failing, I realized that part of the reason I couldn't motivate myself to write it was because there is nothing left to write and I don't want to waste my time writing something that ultimately won't even benefit the story in any way whatsoever.

With all of that being said, I still plan on writing a chapter or two from Phil's perspective, but I cannot promise they will be done any time soon--but I definitely will have more time to work on them after May is over because then I'll officially be out of school for the summer. (update as of February 2018, I tried to write this again, but I cannot. I don't enjoy writing fan fiction anymore of any kind and instead of writing more of this story, I'd like to work more on improving the plot and starting completely over with my own original characters. In other words, I'll still try to write those chapters from Phil's perspective but don't count on them. However, hopefully soon, I'll post a new, updated, original version of Not On Fire.)

But for all intents and purposes, this book is officially done, which is crazy to think about because I started the first draft when I was still a freshman (though I didn't start this one until shortly before my sophomore year) and now I'm almost done with my junior year. I know this book is filled with plot holes and inconsistencies, but I'm proud of what I've managed to achieve (after all, this is the first book I've finished ever so there's that).

If you're interested in reading more from me, I'm currently working on a short story/poetry collection called here's to us (as well as a novel called favors which should be up shortly and I'm reworking pitfalls into a screenplay), and hopefully, there will be many more stories to come in the future. However, I will not be writing anymore fanfiction from this point on as I've realized I enjoy working with my own characters so much more (plus I don't really watch Dan and Phil anymore so I wouldn't be writing them anyway).

To all of you who have encouraged me to continuing writing this, thank you. The amount of support I've received is unbelievable, and I cannot express just how much it means to me. I wouldn't be writing this if it weren't for all of you.

I don't really know how to end this, but I just want to thank you all again for reading this and putting up with my horrible updating schedule and my short updates. If you ever want to talk, you're welcome to send me a message, and I'll respond as soon as I can.


- Alyssa

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