Chapter 2

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The first thing I saw when I got home was my parents sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Mitch, where have you been all day!?" My mother asked clearly worried.

"I was at school and went over to a friends house." I lied not very convincingly and my mother was not buying it.

"That's weird, cause I just got a call from school. And I think you know exactly what it was about." My mother said with clearly more anger in her voice

My face felt like it was on fire and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

"You did? Well I don't know a thing."

"Mitchell" She said sternly

I knew it was bad when they used my full name.

"Okay, fine. Isneakedoutofschoolandspendtherestofthedaywithscott."

"You what?"

"I sneaked out of school and spend the rest of the day with Scott." I repeated more slowly this time.

"And who is Scott?" My father asked.

"Just a friend of mine." I said while I began to blush.

I think my parents noticed it too, but luckily they didn't ask more about Scott. My parents knew I was gay and whenever I started to talk over a boy, they would immediately ask tons of questions. But this time they didn't luckily.

"Honey, we won't punish you this time, cause you've never done things like this before and we also don't think you're that type of person. But the next time things like this happen there will be consequences." My mother spoke to me.

"Thanks mom, I promise things like this won't happen again." I said.

After that luckily quite quick conversation I went up to my room, where I immediately grabbed my phone. I dialed Kirstie's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey babe!" She said when she picked up

"Hey, you are never going to believe what happened today." I said enthusiastically


"Well, I kinda sneaked out of detention with Scott and spent the rest of the afternoon with him!" I replied.

"No way!" She screamed

"Yes! It was amazing. We went to a park near school, he is so sweet and he said he hoped to see me tomorrow!"

"Oh my god. You better be not kidding."

"No, I swear I'm not kidding."

"I'm so happy for you! Though I would have never thought you would skip school, you bad boy."

"That's almost the same thing my parents said. Luckily I am not grounded."

"Lucky you, I would already be grounded for like 2 years. I want to know everything tomorrow though!"

We talked a little more and when she needed to hang up, I decided to take a shower and after that I went to bed. I made no homework, cause school was the last thing I cared about at that moment. I guess I'm really becoming a bad boy, I laughed quietly in myself.

Suddenly I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and a little while later my mother appeared.

"Hey, can I come in?" she asked.

I nodded and she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Listen honey, I don't know why you skipped school, but I want you to know I'm not mad at you. You're a really good student and you do never things like this, I'm so proud of you honey, even though you did what you did today." My mother said

"Thanks mom, that means a lot." I said while I gave my mother a hug.

"Does it have it anything to do with that boy? Scott was his name right?" My mother asked suddenly much happier.

I felt my face becoming red and hid my face under the sheets.

"Is he cute? What does he look like? My mother continued.

"Moooom, stop!"

"Okay, okay. I'm already going. Good night sweetheart."

She left quikly after and I felt asleep quite fast after that, due to today's events.

The next morning I woke up happier than normal days and my parents noticed it too.

"Good morning, lovely parents!" I shouted through the kitchen.

"You are happy this morning? Why is that so all of sudden?

"I'm just happy, can't I be happy for once?"
I asked while I took a bite from an apple.

My parents shared a questioning looking glance, but continued doing what they were doing.

I made my breakfast, while humming a song and sat down next to my dad.

I slowly ate my breakfast and checked my phone. Soon it was time to go to school.

On my way to school I came across Kirstie and she immediately ran towards me.

"Mitchell Grassi, don't you dare walk away from me!"

I laughed and waited for her to reach me.

"Spill the tea honey, I want to know everything that happened!"

I laughed and told her the whole story, from begin to end.

When we reached the school gates, my breath got caught in my throat.

Scott was standing there waiting.

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