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"Attention whore"

"You'll never be good enough"

"Fucking kill yourself already, you worthless piece of shit"

Their words had flooded around Caryn's head, never leaving her mind.

Why had they hated me so much? I hadn't done anything wrong. If anything, the only wrong I've done was let them get the best of me.

As I awoke on the bathroom floor at school, I quickly headed to the ECR, where I had to be for my next class anyway.

Fortunately, I had gotten into class before anyone could hurt me -- mentally, emotionally and physically.


The last bell of the 8 minute passing period rang. I sat back behind my computer and sighed with relief.

"Good morning, class!" Mr. Merrick cheered. I let out a silent giggle and smiled at the teacher's perkiness.

Mr. Merrick saw me and smiled back. He was my favorite teacher. "Today, we'll be chatting with each other using the school chatroom system. This is the first year we've ever used it, so choose APPROPRIATE usernames and passwords. When you've come up with a username and password, write it down on two separate sheets of paper -- one for yourself, and one for me. Then bring the one for me up to my desk and you may log in and start chatting with each other!" the perky teacher said.

"Oh, and remember: NO BULLYING!" he looked over at me with a promising look that I wouldn't get harassed when talking to classmates. "I'll also be choosing the people you will be chatting with for today."

I quickly jotted down a username and password, ran up to my media teacher and handed it to him. He frowned a bit, causing me to frown. "What's wrong with it?" I asked him. "Caryn, it's a great username, but I'm afraid that people will figure out who you are. I just want you to be safe on here. Will you please choose a different one?" he said politely. I smiled. That's exactly why Mr. Merrick was my favorite, he cared about me. "Sure, Mr. Merrick. I'll be right back!" He smiled as I ran back to my seat.

"Bitch, why're you smiling?" someone in my class asked me. I was still smiling, so I guess that's a bad thing? I don't even know. "Is that a problem?" I spoke back. "Yeah, you're smile is gross and crooked! You look like that guy from Green Day before he got his teeth fixed!" the kid said, laughing. I started to tear up and Mr. Merrick heard what was going on.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Merrick asked. "This cunt right here--"

"Go to the principal's office right now. I will not tolerate bullying or profanity in my classroom."


"GO!" my teacher screamed. He kneeled down and wiped my tears. "You okay, Caryn?" I shook my head. I'm sorry that happened to you just now. I care, Caryn. Come talk to me if you want to, alright? Have you gotten you new username down yet?" I nodded with a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Merrick. I will. & yeah, I've got it. Who's my chat partner?" He handed me a slip of paper with my partner's username on it. The slip of paper read 'xLostBoyx'

I logged into the chatroom and immediately received a message from my partner.

xLostBoyx: Hey partner! :)

I was kind of scared to reply, but I did.

Mark0fAthena: Hey :)

xLostBoyx: What's up?

Mark0fAthena: Listening to some music, you?

xLostBoyx: Same, what are you listening to?

Mark0fAthena: 21 Guns by Green Day, how about you?

xLostBoyx: I love Green Day! & I'm listening to Blink-182 :P

Mark0fAthena: Me too! & Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands! What song are you jammin' to?

xLostBoyx: All The Small Things (:

Mark0fAthena: That song <3 & Who are you? You seem really cool!

LostBoyx: Gaskarth. Hey, I've got a question..

Mark0fAthena: Ooo, Mr. Popular. Yes?

xLostBoyx: asl?

Mark0fAthena: Haha, this isn't Omegle, Gaskarth! ;) 16, female. My location is quite obvious.

xLostBoyx: Hahahahaha, I know it isn't! ;) & Mr. Popular? Whaaaat?! Since you know who I am, could I ask you who you were?

Mark0fAthena: No, I can't tell you. I can never tell you. I'd ruin your life. I'll tell you who my best friend is from the football team if you promise to NEVER tell anyone about mine and his friendship, though.

xLostBoyx: I promise. Who is it?

Mark0fAthena: You can talk to him about it, but he probably won&#8217;t tell you who I am. My best friend is Fuentes.

xLostBoyx: Vic? or Mike?

Mark0fAthena; Both, actually. Mike never speaks to me anymore, though. Vic does occasionally. PLEASE, do NOT tell anyone! Especially Barakat

xLostBoyx: I won't tell anyone, I promise.

*DING, DING, DING* The bell rang and we all logged off our computers. My next period was lunch -- Greaaaat, more torment...


A/N: I started this about a week or 2 ago, but I never knew how to finish this chapter.... I guess we'll see how this goes!

By the way, I usually just use my name in fan fics since I can't come up with a name that I'd like for a character...

If you're reading, check out You're All That I Can See! Thanks for reading (if you are) c: <3

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