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Bryan interviewed Austin, Alan, and Tino for the Of Mice & Men interview he orginally came for. Then he moved onto Jack and Alex. And of course, I joined in.

"Hey everybody! I'm BryanStars and I'm here with some homeless dudes that my good friend LIGHTS found," Bryan said. "How are you guys?" 

"I'm actually great, Bryan," I replied. "Beau's doing well, Rocket's healthy, and look, I found so really cool homeless dudes on the way here earlier today. They followed me here, but we kind of just bonded, so here they are." The entire room erupted into fits of laughter, including myself. 

"But in all seriousness," Bryan said. "We're here today with Austin Carlile's younger sister, Caryn, and 1/2 of All Time Low! Could you two boys introduce yourselves and tell us your role in the band?" He stretched his arm that had the microphone in out to Jack and Alex.

"I'm Alex," Alex said. "I sing and play guitar."

"I'm Jack. I play guitar and tell a lot of dick jokes. --"

"And we're the idiotic half of All Time Low!" both Jack and Alex said with smiles in their faces. Bryan and I busted out laughing. They pretty much are both idiots, but Jack's a bigger one. In a good way though. I'm having absolutely the time of my life in this interview, but I can't help but think if it was such a good idea to let Tay and Mike back into my life? Was it? I mean, they had such an easy time ditching me for a better social status, why should I believe they wouldn't do it again? Then I thought back into the 7th grade, when I had been nothing but a friend to him when everyone else (except me, Vic, Tay, & Mike) picked on him. I never saw Jack or Alex do it, but they eventually became friends with him and now Rian's an absolute dick to me. And I never did anything wrong, did I? I stood up for him, I was his friend, and he's just an ass now. I don't even know why, or what I ever did wrong to him?

No. Stop. You're having a good time right now, enjoy yourself.

I wonder what Tay, Vic, and Mike were doing right now? I'm sure they're having fun. Wish they were here though.


Tay's P.O.V. 

So Vic, Mike, and I are at the mall with our 'clique'. I guess that's a very cliche way of putting things, but you know what I mean. All the popular kids -- me, Vic, Mike, Rian, Jaime, Tony, Jenna, Chris, Cassadee, etc. We're in the food court talking about the things that Jack says.

"Speaking of Jack," I said. "Where is he?" I knew Alex where Alex was, he was with Caryn, but where was Jack? I also know for a fact that the guys had band practice earlier today, so he MUST know where Jack is.

"With Alex and," Rian said and shivered. "Caryn. They're doing an interview with BryanStars." Okay, that's awesome! I bet Austin set that up. But why the fuck did he shiver at the thought of Caryn?

"Why'd you just shiver at the thought of her?" I asked a bit loud a bitterly. He just shrugged. I could feel my entire face heat up.

"Tay, just leave it." Vic said. 

"No, Vic! I want to hear Rian's reason." I shot back. He raised his arms up in surrender. 

Rian shrugged again, "She's gross." he said. Now I'm angry. I stood up and flipped my shit.

"You have no right to say that when you know for a fucking fact that Caryn is not gross, Rian," I shouted. "What about her is so fucking gross, Rian? Tell me!"

"SHE JUST IS, TAY! GET THE FUCK OVER IT!" Chris butted in. I shook my head.

"You stay out of this, Chris," I said, gritting my teeth. "You're a piece of shit who's always hated her for no reason. I suggest you sit here, shut the fuck up, and listen. Got it?" He quietly sat down and kept his mouth shut. Apparently I intimidate him now? I don't know. That's actually kinda funny because he intimidates everyone else.

"So since Rian's not going to fucking answer me, I suggest you all shut up and listen to what I have to say," I said. No one except Vic moved a muscle. I let it slide because he's the only person besides Cassadee at this table who hasn't fucked Caryn over. "Good, it's story time. 3 years ago, Mike, Vic, and myself were best friends with Caryn. Mike and I thought our lives would be better without her, but guess what? It wasn't. See her get harassed everyday by Chris and pretty much the entire student body fucking crushed our hearts. We ditched her for this shitty life. The fact that Vic never gave up on her makes me so fucking happy. Since her brother is touring a lot, she normally would be alone, but thanks to Vic? Thanks to Vic, she's still alive right now."

Vic came back as I was saying this. He smiled at me. "And god fucking dammit," I said as I hit the table and sobbed. "I'm sick of all of you pushing her around! WHAT HAS SHE EVER FUCKING DONE TO YOU, CHRIS?" I turned to Rian. "And you, you better apologize to her. Remember when you first moved here, Rian? When everybody pushed you around because of your weight?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I remember, Tay. Don't remind me." he said.

"Well too fucking bad, 'cause I am. Remember when Caryn, a sweet, innocent and caring 7th grade girl came up to you in the middle of class and asked you what as wrong? Remember how she gave you a hug and said, 'I know your pain, Rian. It's okay to cry. Things will get better soon, I promise.'? And remember when she wiped the tears and invited you to sit with us? Do you, Rian? Because I know she remembers. She felt incredibly happy that she helped out someone who felt alone, Rian. And you repayed her by being a dick to her. Nice fucking guy you are, huh?" I spat. He hung his head.

"I-I know, fuck. I'm horrible. S-Sorry Tay. I'll talk to her later. She's not gross. She's kind, and funny, and she cares. Will you give me her number, Vic?"

"Of course, Ri," Vic said. I softened up a bit and sat back down.

"Rian, can I talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded and brought me to the side.

"What's up?"

"I'm so sorry about my outburst. I was just so heated about what you said. I'm still pretty heated from when Chris punched both Caryn and Austin in the face yesterday at lunch." I told him.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be sorry, THANK YOU for your outburst. I definitely needed that wake up call. I was pretty shitty to Caryn when Alex brought her to practice today too. I kept giving her dirty looks and she looked so...sad when I did. I feel like shit because of how I treated her. Thank you so much for bringing me back to reality, Tay. I should be treating her with respect whether she's dating Alex or not. God, I'm such a shitty person. I bet I'm tearing her apart, aren't I?"

"I don't know, if it isn't yet, she's thinking about it and it's bound to tear her apart." I replied. Vic walked over and gave Rian Caryn's number.

"Vic, could you call Austin and see if she, Jack and Alex are still being interviewed by Bryan?" I asked. Vic nodded, dialing his number. There was a long pause while He waited for Austin to pick up.

"Hey Austin, is Bryan done with Caryn, Alex and Jack yet?"

Another pause.

"Ah, okay! Text me when he's dine with 'em, okay?"

Another pause.

"Alright, thanks Austin! Bye!"

"So..what'd he say?" I asked.

"Austin says they should be done in about 15 minutes and that he'll text me when they're out." he replied.

"Okay, so come to Vic and Mike's house with us so you can call Caryn. Okay? We'll he right by your side."

Rian nodded, "Alright, as long as I know I won't be alone." I smiled at him.

"Come on, let's go."


Okay shit chapter. But now you know some things about why Rian sounded bitter when Alex brought Caryn to practice aha.

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