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In the car, I realized that I still needed to tell Austin about Alex. I turned to him and sighed, "Uh, Austie? About my encounter with Alex today... before he, uh, asked me out, he, well... he asked me to apologize to you about Chris. He just wanted me to tell you." I said. Why I stammered? I have no idea. I've never done that speaking with my brother before. We came to a stop before he answered, and I realized we were at our house. Austin turned to me and smiled. "Well, since you've got that date with him at my show later tonight, tell him I said that he doesn't have to apologize to me and to just enjoy the show." he said, I nodded in reply just before all three of us stepped out of the car and walked inside the house. To my surprise, Ryan wasn't there.

Unfortuantely, Austin had to leave, but he grabbed something out of the pantry and a bottle of water before he left. He walked up to me and hugged me, "Ryan told me he'll be back in about 20 minutes, so you and Vic have the house to yourselves, then when Ryan gets back he'll drive the two of you to the venue. I'd do it myself, but I gotta get back for soundcheck ASAP. Plus, I figured you'd wanna get a bit dolled up for Gaskarth," I playfully punched his arm and he chuckled. "I'll see you guys soon, bye Carebear! Bye Vic!" he said as he kissed my temple and ran out the door like Dash from The Incredibles.

"Bye Austin!" Vic and I shouted at the same time. I quickly ran into my bedroom and changed into my favorite Blink-182 shirt, brushed my hair, my teeth, and gathered my bag before going back into the living room and logging into the student chat room. I had a message from Alex, but Ryan called me and I left myself logged on, so I can reply to him after I talked to Ryan.


Vic's P.O.V.

I saw that Alex had messaged Caryn in the school chatrooms. I didn't look at it, but I decided to see if he had texted me. And surely enough, he did.

Gaskarth: Vic, I need your help!

Me: What is it, Lex?

Gaskarth: Did anyone tell you about a date I have later on tonight?

Me: No, why?

Gaskarth: Well... I asked Caryn Carlile out before she left lunch today. Vic, help me. I really like her, and I am so fucking nervous. What do I talk about? Where should I take her after her brother's concert tonight? WHAT SHOULD I WEAR?

I was not expecting that. I knew he asked Caryn out, but I didn't know he really liked her. I've never seen him so nervous so much in the time I've been friends with him.

Me: First of all Alex, CALM DOWN. I know Caryn pretty well, and I have to say, you just made the greatest decision of your life asking her out. She's a sweet girl. Secondly, talk about music, movies, television shows; talk about really dumb jokes and puns that you see on Tumblr. I know you have one. ;) Thirdly, just take her to McDonalds and for a walk in the park afterwards. Something comfortably romantic. And lastly, do not stress out your appearance. She doesn't give a shit about what you wear or what you look like. Just wear a band tee, a solid black hoodie, some skinnies, and your solid gray beanie. Casual wear. She's not high maintenance like a lot of girls at school. Trust me, man, she's definitely one to keep after tonight. Hope that helped.

Gaskarth: Thanks man. That definitely helped a lot!

Me: No problem, Gaskarth! Anything for a friend :)

I'm glad I was able to help out Alex. I hope he doesn't wonder why I know so much, but then again, maybe I did? I don't know. I just hate keeping my best friend a secret and I know Mike, my brother, fucking misses her. He won't admit it, but I know he does.

I heard Caryn hang up with Ryan and saw her coming back to me and the untouched laptop. "No I didn't read your message from Alex. I just spoke to him though."

"What'd he say?" she asked. It was so obvious that she still really like him. He better not break her heart. "He asked me what he should talk to you about tonight," was all I told her. "And?"

"Nothing else. I told him to talk about music or little dumb jokes and puns that you see on Tumblr."



Alex's P.O.V.

I am so glad that I asked Vic for advice. I knew he and Caryn have been friends for a long time, but he did ditch her 3 years ago in freshman year. I know he still cared about her and I know she hasn't changed, that's why I asked him. Plus, I trusted him. I trusted Jack with a lot of things, but advice on girls or keeping a secret was ultimately the dumbest thing you could do.

Caryn is such a special girl -- she's nothing like the others at this school. I didn't want to go out with her because of her brother, I really wanted to get to know her. I've honestly always had a little crush on her, but now that I sat in staring distance from her in media, it's become a bit more intense. I've taken the time to admire her features; her long, choclate brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and from what her old friends have told me, her personality was fun-loving, crazy, shy yet outgoing, kind, funny, and sensitive. Everything about her was beautiful, even her imperfections. Finally, I had the courage to ask her out today at lunch.

I'm still furious at Christofer for punching her in the face. She didn't deserve that.

Suddenly, Jack tapped on my shoulder, nodding that Christofer wanted to talk to me. How awesome, the guy who punched my crush and her famous older brother in the face wants to talk to me. I turned around to Chris, we were in music. "What Chris?" I asked, unsatisfied that I had to speak with him.

He scoffed, "Heard you asked out Carlile," he said. "hugged her and kissed her on the cheek?" I raised an eyebrow and rested my arm on his desk.

"Yeah, I did. What's it to ya?"

"What's it to ya?" Gaskarth, your reputation will go down the shitter if you go out with that....that thing!"

"That "thing" you are referring to happens to be a human being. A beautiful human being that deserves a chance from somebody other than her brother. He's all she's got, and I, unlike most of you, don't hate her. I'm determined to give her a chance & I couldn't give two shits if my reputation dies because of it." I replied, and of course, it caught the attention of a lot of people. Chris looked pissed and I smirked, turning around in my seat. I continued working on my sheet music for the class when Jack tapped me on the shoulder again.

"What Jack?" I asked, a little agitated. I looked at him and he smiled.

"I know you like Caryn. I just wanted to you to know that I don't hate her either. I've never really spoken to her, except when her and I had a project together in one of my classes, but I think she'd be good for you, Lex. I'm with you dude." I smiled and hugged my best friend.

"Thanks man" I said to him.

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