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Alex's P.O.V.

Caryn rested her head on my shoulder and chuckled after I had sassed the security guard a bit. "You actually came." she said. What did that mean? Did she think that this was a pity date? "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I have come?" I asked. "Well, I've never had a date before and you're the most popular guy in our grade. I-I thought.."

"You thought wrong, Caryn," I said. "I asked you out because I really like you." She picked up her head, she looked shocked. "Y-You d-do?" she stammered. I nodded, and before I knew it, she was hugging me; her arms around her neck and mine around her waist. She looked absolutely gorgeous tonight. She is living proof that you don't need makeup to look beautiful.

She then broke away from the hug and took my hand, dragging me backstage. "Come on!" she said. The next thing I know, I'm being greeted by Oliver Sykes, Matt Nichols, Matt Kean, Lee Malia and Jordan Fish. What is happening? "Guys, this is Alex. He's, uh, my da--"

"We kind of figured," Oli said. "We witnessed the two of you lockin' lips over there." He laughed, and so did the others. Caryn and I blushed. Our hands were still clasped together. I saw Vic come out of the bathroom. Confused? Hella.

"Gaskarth, you made it!" he shouted.



"Gaskarth, you made it!" Vic shouted, making Alex confused. Great. He's going to find out and tell everyone. No, he's not. Alex isn't like that. Stop being so paranoid, Caryn. "Uhh, hey Fuentes, what are you doing here?" Alex responded.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that only Austin, and everyone else who isn't at our school, besides Mike, know that we're still best friends, Carebear." Vic said, slapping himself. I chuckled and turned to Alex. "Vic's still my best friend. I guess you know now that I'm your chat partner." I said. Alex rested his forehead against mine and smiled, "Nonsense. I was the one who basically demanded Mr. Merrick for you to be my partner." I heard a bunch of "aw"s, realizing that Vic, Bring Me and  now Of Mice are watching us.

"Hey Alex, just take her where ever you were gonna take her after the show. We have another California show tomorrow. Ryan's not home, so bring her back by 12:30." Austin said. Did he just give me a curfew?

I rolled my eyes at my brother. "You ready?" Alex asked me. I nodded in reply. Before we left the venue, Alan stopped us. "You take care of her, you hear me, pretty boy?" He said, and everyone else in the room agreed. "I will, Mr. Ashby"

"Just call me Alan, man."


We walked out of the venue hand in hand, and went to his car. He opened up the passenger's seat for me and I got in. When he got into the driver's seat and started the car, he asked me, "Are you hungry?" I was, actually. I nodded, "Yeah, where should we go?" He smiled before turning the ignition and backing out of the venue. "Nowhere special, but I do have somewhere else to take you after we eat." he said. Oh, he does now?

I bit my lip, then smiled at how sweet he was being. It was almost... a dream. But it wasn't. This is real. I am actually on a date with the guy I've been crushing on since the fifth grade, and he actually kissed me. I can't believe it, this is actually happening. After a few minutes, I noticed his CD collection, and picked up Simple Plan's first album, "No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls". I studied it for a second and turned to him, "You like Simple Plan?" I asked, with a half smile that I didn't really notice was there. He swiftly turned his head towards me and back to the road, and I saw huge grin forming on his face. "Ha, uh, yeah," he nervously said. "Why? Do you?" His nervous questions made me laugh. This time, a full smile appeared on my face. "Yes, I love them," I said. "Why do you sound so nervous?" He sighed with relief, which made me chuckle a little. "You can put the CD in the stereo if you'd like," he said, then tensed up again. "What do you mean? I don't sound nervous, do I?"

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