Kiss Me Awake✝ (Ashley Purdy Imagine)

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Your arm burns as your dad yells at you through your locked door.

“Y/N get out here this fucking second you piece of shit! You’re not going to that fucking concert so you can fucking forget it!” he screams and bangs on the door your ears feeling like they’re humming as you slice open new and old cuts, slashing over and over again your arm goes numb as your dad quiets down. You turn your stereo up super as loud as it can go blasting ‘Wretched and Divine’. You wrap your arms up so it can clot and stop bleeding.

“I’m going to see BVB and I’m never coming back! Fuck You!” you scream at the top of your lungs grabbing your backpack you stuff a week’s worth of clothes all your chargers an extra pair of shoes and your off out your window BVB ticket in hand ear buds in you walk off towards down town you ditch the wrap about half way there your arms stinging against the night air as you walk toward the concert venue. You know they most likely would come looking for you so you decide right after the show you’d set out for the closest town. You pull up your hood just in case your dad drives by, you stand in line for about 45 min and you get in you give your ticket to the lady and she smiles pointing you in you go and find your seat. Sitting anxiously you’re so ready to see the band you  go to the bathroom before the show and find a small opening leading to the floor seats with no security in sight it’s probably a mascot entrance or something. You cautiously walk down the tunnel being very careful not to be noticed you’re usually good at that. And luckily you still are you sneak on to the floor and your inches from the stage. The guys come out and you can’t contain your happiness your eyes fill with tears as they start their set. There about six songs in to their set, they’ve done amazing so far they really deliver and awesome show. They start  ‘Fallen Angel’  as Ashley stop right in front of you blowing you a kiss your heart fluttered you reached your hand out hoping he’ll grab it. You’ve had a crush on Ashley forever. It’s one of those imagine your life after marriage lovey dovey sometimes smutty fantasies but you write your guys married name all over your spare not pads. He reaches for your hand your sleeve drops but it’s too late for you to pull back he has a hold of your hand and he can clearly see your fresh cuts and healing scars you’re so embarrassed he grabs your arm pulling you on stage all eyes are on you but your eyes are stuck on Ashley he smiles kissing your wrist.

“Hang on Beautiful I haven’t gotten to take you out yet *he winks and pulls you closer whispering in your ear* wait for me backstage?” you nod agreeing as he gives you that smile and leads you backstage you watch the show from there the show ends the guys did great the guys come back stage and Andy wraps you in a big bear hug your eyes begin to fill with tears as he holds you he’s pressing his cheek to the top of your head

“You don’t have to do that honey! Remember you’re perfect the way that you are! * He kisses your cheek and gives you one last bear hug…walking away* stay strong gorgeous!” you can’t even find the strength to say words or even wave. He vanishes out the door and one by one the guys hug you telling you to be strong and disappear out the door. You turn around and get immersed in a huge bear hug again only this time it’s Ashley. He like Andy presses his cheek to the top of your head, you wrap your arms around him hugging him back laying your ear against his chest you can hear his heart beating fast but also extremely calm and evenly.

“Promise me you’ll stop doing this? You’re too perfect and too special to do this to yourself *taking your wrist and kissing every one of your scars the healing and the fresh* why do you have a backpack with you?” he looks into your eyes so worried  and so sympathetic you can’t control how you feel and your eyes just spill over and he wraps you in a hug again stroking your hair
“Shhhh…*he picks you up like a baby carrying you into the green room setting you on the counter, he places  his hands on either side of your body boxing you in looking into your eyes his full of worry and concern

“What has happened to you darling?” he says awaiting your answer.  Tears begin to fill in your eyes and you look away suddenly trying to stop them from spilling over but it doesn’t work he takes your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger bringing your face down too meet his gaze

“Scratch that….what has happened doesn’t matter… what does matter is that your mine now and I’m always gonna be there for you, you never have to be alone again Y/N I promise you that.” You start to cry and he just wraps you in a hug holding you close.

You end up dating and living with Ashley for 2 years before he asks you to marry him. 3 months after you find out your pregnant with your first son you name Elliot Michal.  You two are very much in love and continue on in marriage. 

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