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    It has been a week since Alois gained his fear of heights and Claude realized he wasn't as powerful as he thought. Under Alois' orders, Claude was to go undercover and find him a wife. This meant more trouble for Claude and more whining from Alois.

    His exact words were," Claude, I want you to find me a wife! Ciel Phantomhive has a fiance, so why don't I?" thus lead to the capture of many young and beautiful girls for Alois to marry.


    The family was once again interrupted during a time of relaxation, when the main cast of Noah's Ark Circus showed up on their lawn. The children were playing a game of tag, Ciel deciding to act like a real child for once, not noticing the troupe walking in front of them.

   "Oof!" they grunted, as they collided with the performers.

    "Oh dear, what happened here?" Eve asked, holding in her laughter.

    "Mama, it's OK to laugh." Seo said with a chuckle as he lifted Fri off of the twins.

      "Too late now." stated Eve, showing her amusement was gone, a smile the only trace left. It quickly faded when she noticed all of the children's ears were showing.

    "What the?" Joker gasped at the sight of the kids' very real ears.

    "Oops!" Eaga said in surprise.

     "We have to apologize to Papa now." added the twins, making the other children groan in displeasure.

    "Apologize for what?" Sebastian seethed.

     "Sorry for letting our secret escape us Papa. Please don't tell Mommy." Fri pleaded, shuddering at the thought of her mother when she was angry.

    "Of course not, sweetheart. You'll just have to be more careful next time." The butler soothed, smoothing down her hair.

      "Really?" Eaga chimed, his eyes filled with fear. It wasn't that they would be beaten for their carelessness. Let's just say that when Sebastian was angry, it wasn't ten times as bad as the eldest princess of Hell. It was evident where Amelia got her no nonsense attitude from and her being half reaper didn't help.

    "Promise." Rollo replied, a smile gracing his beautiful features.

   The children let out the breath they had been holding and smiled at their grandfather before running off to play another game with.

"Now that that's over with, may I ask why you have come to visit us once again?" inquired Sebastian, his smile fading.

    "We wanted to see the little ones again is all. Children hold a special place in our hearts, you see." Joker replied, a twinge of sadness in his voice. 

     "Hey, now you two are obviously avoiding the subject of what just happened. Is it just me or did I see a bunch of kids running around with cat ears?" Beast said before they could continue.

   "Now why would I tell you the juicy details about our lives when we barely know anything about yours, young lady?" The gypsy asked, a smirk forming.

   "He's got a point Beast. Everyone has their secrets, even us. I don't think that's fair, do you?" Joker asked.

    "Fine." she blushed, catching the attention of everyone but Joker.

    "Oh dear," began Lucifer,"what's going on? I finally come to see my great grandchildren and they are nowhere to be found. It's almost like they hate me." he said, faking a hurt expression.

"We're right here. " whispered Fri, walking up to the handsome man, her cousins and brother right behind her.

   "Oh my, blonde hair. She looks just like Aira when she was young." Lucifer swooned, reaching out to touch it, frowning when she shied away from the unfamiliar man.

    "Now that I think about it, she does look an awful lot like Mother doesn't she?" Sebastian added, smiling as he picked up his granddaughter.

   "Papa who is that?" The girl asked, pointing at the strange man.

     "You can call me Grandpa Lucy." Lucius beamed, making the small child smile."OK!" she replied, reaching out to him.

   He plucked her from Rollo's arms and snuggled her, the blonde hugging him back with a firm demonic grip. "Quite a strong lass."

    "Yes, now what's with the ears. Are they even real?" cried Beast.

    Lucifer's aura darkened at this," Son do they know?" he inquired, still cradling Frea.

    "No Father, not everything." The demon answered, gritting his teeth.

   "Go, all of you, and tell no one what you saw here." Lucifer commanded, his tone mellow.

    They circus troupe quickly ran back through the gate and back to their tents.


Noah's Ark Circus tents...

Joker made the rounds, stopping to talk to people on the way to higher ups' tents. He found the main cast gathered in his personal tent.

"Father says that there are not yet enough sweets for the main event. We do it tonight." He commanded, scowling at himself.


Back at Circus de Royale...

    The rest of the day was relaxed and the performance went by without any blondes pissing their pants. The children had been instructed not to question Joker and his friends when they came to kidnap them, if they were kidnapped in the first place.

    That night, the children were put to bed early. They all slept soundly, they didn't wake up when they were captured, nor did they cry out when they were thrown in a semi crowded cart.

    When they arrived to their appointed destination, the Queen's Guard Dog, his Butler, and the triplets were on the move.

    What would happen to the children? Would Ciel make it in time? These questions zoomed through Eagus' head as they were all carried into a dreary mansion.

    The kids have been kidnapped. Who did it and why?


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