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The group was awoken by Sebastian. The Royal children glared at him. If looks could kill, Sebastian would've been in the Spirit Realm by now. Frea was especially scary. To interrupt her sleep was like telling Oprah she was fat, it didn't end well. (No offense to Oprah. I like her shows and movies very much)

The girl threw a tantrum, her grandfather taking the full brunt of it as she cried. It was bad when Demon children cried, so bad that Sebastian had to drop her in the river to get it to stop before she set the world on fire.

"Are you done now?" Dorian rubbed his eyes.

"Papa why did you do that?" The tiny girl shivered as the older demon picked her up into his arms.

"You started crying sweetheart. Papa had no choice." he cooed, patting her back gently.

She continued to whimper as he changed her out of the wet clothes. She was the youngest of the Royal children right now. Making her 69 years old. That's toddler stage in demon years. She may act grown up but she's not.

"There all done, now let's get some breakfast shall we?" Sebastian called to the other kids.

"Sure, we have enough money to eat just this once before we have to start getting our own food." Ciel straightened his glove.

"We'd best be on our way then. I wouldn't want you to be late for school." The kids groaned at this. School was boring for kids who already knew everything.

With that, they were off to a popular tavern in town. Upon their entrance through the town gates, everyone stared at them in bewilderment.

Who are they?

Where did they come from?

Who's that man? He's so cute!

Are all those children his? Does he have a wife?

The demons heard all of these things and ignored them. They got those kinds of questions everytime they went someplace new in the Human Realm.

The group finally came to a tavern. They entered and sat. Sooner or later some slutty waitress would come by and flaunt her cleavage at Sebastian. The children would ignore her while their pretend father would simply scowl at her and say some snide remark.

As if on cue, a woman in a too tight shirt and short skirt walked up to the table. "Hello sir, what can I get for you?" she giggled as she pretended to drop something.

"Nothing from you my dear. Now would you please try to show some modesty in front of me and my children. I don't want my girls walking around looking and acting like the putrid wench everyone knows you are!" he raised his voice at the last part, catching the attention of other customers.

The hussy pouted and stomped off. The children laughed at their father's outburst. "Papa thank you for the never ending protection, but I believe you took that one too far." Dorian was shaking with laughter.

A man came up to them. "Excuse me sir? How on Earth did you get her to leave you alone that quickly? Becky never backs off that fast." he asked in amazement.

"I am simply in love with another and as you can see," he gestured to the kids, "I am far too deep in to get Out now. Not that I want to."

"You do when Mama gets mad." The twins whispered in unison.

"Quiet you!" Sebastian bickered playfully.

Then another, more modest, waitress walked up to their table. "Sorry about that sir. What would you like to eat?" The short girl asked with a smile.

"Yes we'll all have a breakfast special please and make it quick they need to get to school." The girl's eyes widened at the mention of school.

"Sir what social standing are you?" she asked.

"I am just a poor man living on the streets with my children,  unfortunately. Is there a reason for you asking?"

"Yes it's just that only high ranking children can attend school. I'm a bit surprised to hear that your children attend school."

"It wasn't that hard to get them enrolled." The demon smirked at how he had gotten the town's Head of Education to enroll his children in school. He had thought it funny that that greasy old man would give in so easily.

"It may not be so easy to procure a job though." he said to himself more than the girl.

"If you're looking for work I would suggest the mines. They're always in need of new hands. A stable man might not be so bad either."

"Thank you for the information."

"Anytime. Now let me go get your order before it gets cold." she sped off.

The food was delicious and soon enough the children found themselves in front of the school. Sebastian gave each girl a kiss on the head for good luck before ushering them into the building.

More staring, although it was aimed more at the kids rather than their handsome father. They stopped in front of a door. Turns out that door led to the Head Teacher's office.

Before anyone could blink, the door opened. It would seem it had opened on its own, but when Eagus and the rest saw who had opened it they felt as though this new school was going to be anything but pleasant.

"Come with me and I'll explain the rules." a stout and ugly woman crooned before walking past them toward a hallway of frozen students.

"There are two classes here, you will be placed in the lower class until you can prove you're not stupid beyond teaching. Classes include Arithmetic, Dance, Language, Fine Art, and Horseback Riding. Failing to complete any of these tasks during the school year will result in a tarnished reputation." she paused.

"Am I understood? " she questioned, turning on her heel to face them.

"Yes Ma'am." they answered in unison before she pushes them through a door.

"Ms. Blackwell I have some fresh meat for you."

"Thank you Headmistress Cornpuff. I'll take it from here." The pretty woman answered calmly.

"Goodbye Papa." Frea waved.

"Have a good day." he called.

"You can leave now sir. Your children are in safe hands." The young lady blushed at the sight of the beautiful man.

"I'm sure they are." he smiled and walked back toward the entrance. Now to find myself a job. Sebastian thought to himself as he turned down the road leading to the mines.


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