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Sebastian sped up the path that lead to the mine entrance. When it came into view, he walked faster. He was about to enter when he was stopped by two big muscular men.

"Can we help you Tiny?" The first asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, you see I'm trying to get into the mine, but I've been stopped by two oversized pairs of granny panties." Sebastian replied annoyed.

His words angered the men. "What did you say to me?" The second asked, further increasing the demon's irritation.

"I do believe you heard me."

"You lookin for a fight pretty boy?"

"No, simply trying to find a job so I can support my rather large family."

"You've got a family huh? Too bad they'll never see you again." they cracked their knuckles.

"I don't have time for this." Sebastian teleported past them. "Do you see the horns? You should know that their the mark of a demon." he called behind him.

He walked through the mine tunnels until he came to a small camp. Locating the leader, Sebastian managed to get himself a job and decent wages. He immediately set to work on clearing out his own network of tunnels without help. He wasn't going to need it anyway.


Back at the school, class had just begun and the new kids were already being stared down during attendance.

"Celia?" The teacher called.







"President." The boy snickered.


"On campus." The boys chuckled.



She listed a few more names before calling the other set of twins. Class went from there, their first class ended up being language. The Royals and company excelled at the subject, earning awed looks and jealous glares from the other children.

When lunch came around, the group didn't eat anything. Their teacher stared at them in curiosity. She walked up to them. "Children you must be hungry. Why haven't you eaten your lunches?"

"That's alright Miss, we're not hungry." Ciel lied, his growling stomach giving him away.

"You're obviously hungry," Ms. Blackwell clicked her tongue," so why haven't you eaten?"

"It's because we have nothing to eat Ms. Blackwell. Our family is very poor, we didn't have the money to buy food to make lunch." The twins answered shamefully.

"That's ludicrous! You have nothing to eat in a city full of food?" The teacher frowned when they nodded their heads.

"We're going to have to talk to your parents." she stated before stomping off to her classroom.

"Well I guess the cat is out of bag on that one huh guys?" Dorian whispered.

Then Ms. Blackwell came back with a load of bread. "Eat." she commanded, breaking the bread into eight pieces.

They all dug in immediately. "Thank you Ma'am!" they chorused over mouthfuls of bread.

By the end of the school day, awed looks and jealous glares were getting boring. All the other kids left before they did. Sebastian ended up working late in the mines. When he finally arrived, he was covered in dirt.

"Papa!" The girls ran up to him. "We missed you so much!"

"Hello. I'm so sorry I'm late. Papa had to work." he explained, giving them warm smiles. "Don't hug me you'll get all dirty."

"Like we care!" The boys chimed, running up to the tall man.

"Excuse me sir. We need to have a talk." Ms. Blackwell interrupted.

"About what?" his smile turned into a worried expression.

"Take me to your home, this instant." she commanded. She had the right to, she was of higher rank than him.

"Yes follow me." The demon complied, knowing the consequences should he refuse.

The family and their teacher walked calmly back to their home, the children ranting happily about their first day of school. How can they be so poor, yet so happy? They act like a normal middle class family when they live on the streets. She thought to herself, halfway there.

Her jaw hit the ground when she glanced at their humble abode. "You live here?"

"Yes, this is presently what the Michaelis Clan calls home." Sebastian answered, walking through the mouth of the cave. "Eagus, Ciel help me do some fishing while Dorian, Ms. Blackwell, and the girls go gather herbs. I hope you don't mind helping with dinner Ma'am."

"No, not at all. And call me Cynthia,  Mr. Michaelis." The teacher answered as she was handed a basket.

"Then you can call me Sebastian." he smiled. Cynthia was dragged into the forest by the girls and Dorian. They were gathering for a while.

"So why do you call yourselves the Michaelis Clan?" she asked as she picked out a tasty looking mushroom.

"That's because it's not just us. There are loads of Michaelis' out there." Dorian replied.

"What do you mean by loads?"

"There are a bunch of us, including our parents and younger siblings." Frea let that slip.

"Wait, Sebastian isn't your father?"

"Nope I'm actually their grandfather. In reality I have four daughters, who just so happen to be their mothers. Their moms are married to their dads, and their parents are all currently expecting." Sebastian explained, emerging from the bushes with a large basket of fish.

"Look at that haul! How did you catch so many?" Celia stared at the baskets full of fish the boys had brought with them.

"The same way you got so many berries and mushrooms!" Eagus cheered. He loved mushrooms.

"Well we had best get home and start cooking, drying, and salting before it all goes bad." Their grandfather picked up his fish basket.

"Come on Ms. Blackwell, you said you would help!" Frea called, grabbing her basket and running after Sebastian.

Who are these people? The teacher thought to herself as she walked after the retreating forms of the Michaelis Clan. The night went swell, the family had dried and salted enough fish to sell a bunch and still be able to feed themselves for the whole month.

The stew they made for dinner was delicious and Cynthia made her thoughts known. "Who are you people? You're obviously not human."

"Papa she figured something out." The twins warned.

"Don't worry. Cynthia you are aware that things such as magical creatures exist, correct? We are simply some of those magical creatures." Sebastian explained, handing Eagus another serving of stew. "You will tell no one about this if you wish to keep your life. Although I must tell you, now that you know your life will never be the same."

Cynthia stared at the beautiful man before her. How could someone so beautiful, be so scary at the same time? That night, the teacher stayed in the cave, seeing as it was too late for her to return home without being robbed.

The next morning was going to be an interesting experience...


Whew... I'm just cranking out chapters today. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did then vote and comment for more!

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