Chapter - 1

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Silence. Darkness. No sound. No light. Just focus on the wind in your hair...the brush of it against your face. Nothing could ever prepare Monique for entering that place. No amount of mental or emotional preparation could hold her up the entire day. That's just not the way things worked in her world, sadly.

Monique opened her eyes and turned off the shower. She dried herself and dressed quickly before heading into the kitchen. It was already well past seven-thirty so she couldn't spend much time on breakfast. A cup of yogurt and a bagel was designated breakfast for that morning. She rushed out the door and to her car. Monique began her morning commute rather nervously today. It was a fair thirty minute drive to her workplace and she wished it was longer today. She had a horrible feeling about this work day. Something was going to go wrong.

She took a moment before getting out of her car to steady her nerves. A full two years had not adjusted her to the busy office life. Anyone who knew her could easily say that it was an odd choice to work for a newspaper when one had social anxiety. Hers was almost debilitating. It had been worse in high school and college, but she had gotten much better in her own opinion.

She took pictures for the newspaper. It kept her out of the office a bit but she had to talk to so many strangers.

"Do we have a picture from the scene?" the editor asked during a meeting.

Monique raised her hand without a word and he pointed to her. "Show me what you've got and we'll see what we can work with from there."

She nodded. As long as she didn't have to speak she usually felt a little better about interactions. That also usually kept interactions with her short. The reason for her unease went unsatisfied because her office hours went flawlessly- not a single issue. She received requests for more pictures others had a hard time getting just before leaving for the afternoon. As she made her way out to her car she couldn't help glancing about.

What was this feeling? Nothing had happened at work and she was hoping nothing would happen outside of it either. It was one of those days. She knew her next destination. Her car rang as her boyfriend's number came up on the face of her radio. She answered it as she rolled up to a stop light.

"Hey, baby. What's going on?" she said.

"I'm just calling in to check on you," Terrence replied. "I just want to make sure you're doing okay today."

Monique smiled. What did I do to deserve to find this man, she thought. "I'm fine, thank you. Today was one of the good days." The light changed and she continued on her way.

"Are you heading home yet?"

"No, I have a few pictures to grab and some researching to do for an assignment. I won't be back in until later this evening."

"Alright. I'll call you when I get done here. Maybe we can have a late dinner."

"I'd like that."

"Good. I'm looking forward to it. I'll see you later tonight, baby."


Monique sighed heavily and pulled into a parking space. The Philadelphia Zoo was a place where she could forget about her troubles for a few hours. It wasn't necessarily the quietest place or the most personal, not like the library or a parking lot, but she always felt more confident after a visit. At least once a month she came to visit when she was feeling really stressed about things. She walked in after purchasing a ticket and turned in happy circles before running further inside.

Of course she calmed herself and stuck her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Truthfully, watching those majestic animals stalk about in their habitats gave her a little confidence. It was sad seeing them in there but she could draw strength just from watching their powerful paws and claws strut about and their keen eyes keeping watch from their perches and hills. The sounds of happy children and chatter all around made her a little nervous but they were still the sounds of her happy place.

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