Chapter 8 : Kiddnapped?

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*2 Weeks Later *

Kee POV.

During these past two weeks me & Jay have become very close. We kinda act like we a couple. When I see Thots coming at him, I dismiss 'em or put on a show. & vice versa. When Jay see a nigga come at me he flips TF out it be real funny though. 'Cause for a male he shole be ready to fight like females do.

Haha. Oh yeah y'all may be wondering, what about king and Lee? Well yes my best friend & brother date…I knew that they'd get together soon, eventually. But Jay is supposed to take me out on this date & wont tell me where! 'Ugh'

I shaved while i was taking my 20min. shower. I got out the tub & put on my matching Black bra and panties. I slipped on my white/black striped shirt and my black skinny jeans. I looked through the closet & put on my red cardigan with my black boots . I put on my red lipstick then the doorbell rang.

*Ding Dong*

I bet that's Jay at the door. I grabbed my purse that had my phone, wallet, and small pistol in it. When i opened the door there was a guy standing there in all black with a blue bandana on, pointing a gun at me. he told me to be quiet and don't scream. He threw me into an all black truck with tented windows.

There were 3 dudes in the back & one driving. They took me to an old abandon looking house.  I'm guessing this is their trap house.




Jay POV.

When i went to Kee's house i rung the doorbell. She didn't open. Then, i knocked 4 times. She still didn't come. TF? I waited 7 more minutes.

I walked to her garage and her pink and purple 2014 dodge charger was still there. I called her phone and she sent me to voicemail. That's not normal 'cause she answers me every time even if she's busy. I twisted the door knob and it opened.

I walked to the kitchen and found a note…




Kee POV.

When we got to the house He knocked on the door 4 times, 3times, & then 1. Some guy opened the door. he was buff and light skinned & Fine but not as fine as Jay. They walked me in and……


Haha cliff hanger! The next chapter is gonna be way better though.


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