15// words will never hurt me

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NOVA WAS ALL DONE FOR the day and had just stepped past the doors of the school when a million and one questions bombarded her mind.

Should she send him an email?

What the heck would she even say?

How was she even supposed to address him?

Should she play hard to get and maybe make him wait for three days or so? Would that lead him to sending her more notes asking why she wasn't responding?

"Urgh," Nova ground her teeth together, not being able to decide how she wanted to approach the matter.

Maybe she should—


Nova stopped in her tracks, just a few feet away from where her sedan was parked.

She frowned when she saw Graham jogging towards her. Was he going to ask for a ride? Recalling that she was supposed to be nicer to him, she slipped on a smile instead.

But she really, really wanted to go home and stare some more at the note and lose time as she debated whether to email Mr Anonymous or not.

"Yeah?" Nova cocked her head to the side, curious.

Graham came to a stop just an arm's distance away from her, completely in his element and not at all out of breath. He was the running back of the football team after all.

"Um..." He looked unsure how to start. "About today during Chem... When you noticed me standing there by your side, you looked surprised. You even sounded surprised."

Nova was definitely surprised now. Could he really detect the emotion in her expression and tone?

"Alright...?" Nova was still puzzled.

He scratched the side of his head. "I was wondering if you were wondering why I didn't say anything... To Jasper, I mean. You know, if you were thinking why I didn't stand up for you. I mean, I'd totally get it if you thought that way because I made a jibe at you for being a die-hard romantic on my first day back here but—" he caught his breath, running a frustrated hand down his face. "Basically, what I wanted to say was, I'd have spoken up and put him in his place but I just wanted to wait and see if you'd stand up for yourself first," he quickly explained, "and you did. You handled it so I figured I didn't need to add anything to it. That's all. Yeah."

Nova opened her mouth but Graham spoke again—

"Just wanted to, you know, get that out of the way..." He trailed off, shifting on his feet slightly. Talk about awkward.

"Um, alright?" Nova said though it came out sounding more like a question. "I... Thanks, I suppose? I don't know, I've dealt with worse. Condescending guys, grabby guys, pervy guys... Jasper's just got words. He just likes hearing himself speak." She cracked a smile.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," Graham quoted, apparently amused.

"Something like that," she shrugged, her entire body aching to hop into her car and race home. Maybe she'll send the email after all.

"See you around then, Hart."

"See ya, Miller."

And then she threw the door of her car open before jumping in and feeling her fingers throb with excitement as they clutched the steering wheel.

She was finally going to interact with the boy behind the pale blue paper.


stay blessed, stay happy xx <3 and a huge thank you for reading!

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