Take my Hand

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*Scott's POV*

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask the brunette boy as he slowly sips his coffee. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked. He's clearly been up for hours before me. He's already gelled his hair, perfect hair that is. I still don't know why he bothers to style his hair, he looks so cute with it natural. The way it rests on his forehead is just so adorable.

"Um...I don't know. What did you have in mind?" Mitch, in his enchanting falsetto voice, replied.

"Shopping?" I sing as I look at him with huge hopeful eyes.

"Shopping!" He sings back, adding harmony. We both cracked up as we continued singing random words that came to mind.

"I'm gonna go get dressed and try to look half as wonderful as you" I say as I walk towards my bedroom. I could hear Mitch laugh as I entered my room. Mitch and I had always jokingly flirted with each other, but I always sort of meant it. I've known since high school that I like Mitch, but he's never shown any sign that he feels the same way back. A couple weeks ago, when Mitch broke up with Travis, I knew it was my time to share with Mitch how I feel, but I just can't figure out how to tell him. His and Travis' relationship ended badly, and I just want to help Mitch realize that not all men are dicks. I would never hit Mitch, unlike Travis. I don't think he'll ever trust a guy again. He's been separating himself from everyone, except for me. He just needs to learn to love again, and I aim to teach him.

I quickly throw on some black jeans and cheetah print tee shirt. I glance over at my bed-side clock and realize I've already spent 20 minutes getting ready. I grab my Beyoncé hat that a fan gave me and head out of my room.

"Looking good." Mitch says to me while fake checking me out.

"Not as good as you." I say back as I reach to grab my car keys.

"Wait! Let's walk instead! It's only 20 minutes by foot." He says to me as he puts on his blue and black Converse that I gave to him last Christmas.

"Okay, queen." I respond back. I know he loves when I call him that, even though he refuses to admit it out loud. I slip on my black Toms and gesture towards the door. Mitch walks out first and I follow making sure to lock the door behind us.

"Let's go!" He shouted as he walked down our driveway.

"Let's go!" I say mimicking him. I've known him so long that I have copying him down to a science. We head down the sidewalk singing Beyoncé as loud as possible.

"Hey Scott," Mitch says to me using his soft voice. "Do you think we could hold hands?"

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