Movie Night

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(Hey guys, happy Saturday! I will admit, this chapter was hard to write, but I hope you like it anyways! Until Tuesday, -L)

*Scott's POV*

Our kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. Honestly, I never wanted it to end. I've waited so long for this to happen, and now I can't believe it actually is.

"Well, that was amazing," Mitch said as he pulled away.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," I say, sounding more desperate than I had hoped. Mitch just chuckled as he shoved spoonfuls of mac and cheese into his face. I couldn't blame him, I was pretty hungry myself. I grab my bowl and start copying Mitch's actions.

"How about we go into my room and watch a movie?" Mitch asked me as he finished his bowl of mac and cheese.

"Are you flirting with me?" I say jokingly.

"Well you sure aren't playing hard to get," Mitch added back, using his sassy voice.

"I would argue, but I really want to watch that movie with you. Speaking of which, what movie?" I ask, secretly hoping he'll say a Disney movie, but it really doesn't matter what he choses because the movie isn't what I will be watching.

"I haven't seen Finding Nemo in a while, and it's sooo adorable! How about we watch it?" Mitch says, being more cute than ever. "Let's go." Mitch continued as he pointed towards his bedroom door. I grabbed the movie from one of the shelves by our couch and willingly followed him.


We were thirty minutes into the movie and I already couldn't keep my eyes off of Mitch. His hair, his eyes, his lips, he was so perfect. I could see me spending the rest of my life with him, and man do I wish I will.

"Are you even watching the movie?" Mitch said as he looked over at me. His voice sounded annoyed, but I could tell he was kidding.

"Honesty, no. I have a better view looking at you, anyways." I can literally feel myself blushing from embarrassment of what I just said, but it was romantic, right?

"Would you just shut up?" Mitch said, clearly being self conscious of his looks.

"Make me." I say, trying to be half as sassy as he normally is.

"Fine." Was all I heard before Mitch crashed into my lips. I toppled over and he quickly took advantage as he climbed on top of me. The best part was, neither of us were intending to be sexual. We just wanted a cute make-out session, and nothing more. It was amazing.

After twenty minutes of cuddles and kisses, we both decided it was time for bed. "I'll head back to my room, goodnight Mitch," I say, really not wanting to leave.

"You know, you could sleep in here tonight if you wanted," Mitch said, he sounded almost as if he was begging me to stay.

"Well, only if you insist," I say jokingly as I jump back into bed with him. I managed to turn off the light before I lay down. "I'm gonna take of my shirt, if you don't mind," I say as I already start taking it off knowing that Mitch won't oblige. "And you should really take off that jacket, I haven't seen you without one on in forever!" I say sleepily as I shut my eyes.

"Goodnight, Scott." Mitch said to me, verbally ignoring my jacket comment, but I think I heard him unzipping it.

"Goodnight, Mitch." I fell asleep almost instantly after saying it.

•••The next morning•••

*Scott's POV*

I woke up snuggled up next to Mitch. He's so cute when he sleeps. I mean, he's always cute, but something about the way his face looks when he thinks no one is watching is just adorable.

I decided that I would let him sleep in as I slowly and quietly tried to get out of bed without him waking up. Once I was out of bed I figured I would surprise him with breakfast in bed. He loves pancakes, so I think I'll make him some.

I almost silently made it out the door, but, to my avail, the door squeaked as I closed it. I peeked in to make sure he was still asleep, which he was. I made my way to our kitchen and quickly grabbed the ingredients to make pancakes. I'm an awful cook, so hopefully these will actually come out edible.

After twenty minutes of mixing and cooking, I had successfully made eight medium-sized pancakes. These weren't the first tries, although. I had burnt about three before finally making a successful one.

I put three pancakes on a plate for Mitch and started walking back towards his bedroom. I really hope he likes these. I opened the door, and yet again it squeaked. Thankfully, like last time, Mitch didn't notice. I moved over towards his side of the bed and put the pancakes down on his dresser. I sat down by his feet and pondered how I was going to wake him up. He had rolled over since I left to make the pancakes, and his arms were now laying outside of the sheets. I started to think about the last time I had seen him without a jacket on, but my thoughts were interrupted. What are those red lines on his forearm? Are they...? No, they can't be. Mitch would have told me. Oh my god, there's so many! Oh Mitch, why would you do this?

I felt tears swirling up in my eyes as I started to run my hand over the cuts. Why did he do this? How long has he done this? I can't even fathom my emotions at the moment. I was sad, angry, helpless, and scared all at the same time.

"Mitch!" I yell, just wanting him to wake up and explain.

"MITCH!" I practically shout this time. He woke up startled.

"What are these cuts on your arm?"

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