Sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare?

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*Mitch's POV*

'Oh shit' I think to myself. Did I really just ask him to hold my hand? Stupid! You're so stupid, Mitch! He doesn't like you! You just ruined you're entire friend ship! He will nev-

"I'd be honored to," Scott says to me, immediately stoping my thoughts and in return turning my cheeks bright right.

"Really?" I ask, my voice shaking. I hate when my voice shakes around him. It makes me sound so weak, which is completely un-queen of me.

"I thought you would never ask." Scott says using an innocent voice, that un expectantly was very sexy to hear. He reached out his hand to me, and I willingly took it. We interlocked our fingers together as we made our way to the shops. Is this really happening? All I can think right now is that someone better pinch me so I can make sure I'm not dreaming. But, if this were a dream, I don't think I'd ever want to wake up.

Living with Travis was a nightmare. Every day, I dreaded seeing him. He was so overprotective, even so to the point where he'd hit me if I did something he didn't approve. One of those disapprovals being my friendship with Scott. Another even more so disapproval was me wanting out of our relationship. I still have the scar on my arm from when I told him it was over. I suppose it was my mistake to have told him while he was chopping vegetables, but it was still his fault I had to get stitches.

After Travis was out of my life, I didn't think I would ever trust a man again. I even tried making myself straight, which hopelessly failed. Especially when every day I saw Scott, beautiful wonderful Scott. It wasn't long until I was crushing hard on him. I just never thought he would like me back. Does he really, though? Holding hands could mean anything, right? He's probably just trying to be sympathetic after what happened with Travis. That's all. Scott does not like me back.

"We're here!" Scott sings to me as we approach the entrance to American Apparel. He gentlemanly opened the door for me and bowed while I walked through the door. God, he's adorable.

"Ooo, sweaters!!" He practically screamed with excitement as he ran off towards the direction he was pointing.

"Meet you at the dressing rooms in twenty?" I yelled to him, making sure he could hear. I faintly heard him shout okay as I walked towards a polka-dot shirt that had caught my attention.

After twenty minutes of walking around and browsing overly expensive clothes, I had picked out two tee-shirts and one hat. I started walking towards the dressing rooms when I saw that Scott was still looking at sweaters, even though he was already holding at least five.

"Come on, love. You already have a bunch, let's try some on now." I say as I notion towards the dressing rooms. He hesitantly walked away from the clothes and followed me towards the back of the store.

"I don't really need to try any of these on," I say glancing at the shirts I picked out, "but I'd love to see you try on those sweaters!" I say as I have a seat outside one of the changing rooms and sat with my arms crossed until he agreed with my proclamation.

"Fine, but I expect you to at least put on the hat!" He said jokingly as he closed the changing room door behind him.

After 5 minutes of him changing, he finally stepped out wearing a blue sweater with clouds that looked like they were painted on. He was, and I hate to call a person such an overused and typical adjective, hot.

"Wow." Was all I could muster.

"Is it really that bad? I kind of thought it looked good." He said, sounding very discouraged.

"No, it's great! I love it!" I said, giving him a reassuring smile. "You look extremely attractive."

Scott was now blushing. "Oh shut up," he said, being extremely playful with his voice. "I'm gonna try on another"

After repeating this process 4 times, Scott decided he was only going to buy 2 of the sweaters, even though he looked great in all of them. He started walking towards the registrar when I told him that I'd be right there.

"Don't be long, I'll miss you too much." He said smiling extremely adorable like. I walked back to where I had picked out one of my shirts and decided to put it back. As I was walking back towards the registrar, I was stopped by someone whom I had never wished to see again.

"Travis..." I could barely get out any words. Why? Why was he here? I never wanted to see him again, yet poof! Here he is!

"Hello, Mitch." He said in his deep, terrifying voice. This couldn't have been an accident. There is no way we both came to this store at the same time, no, he had to have been following me. Oh no, this means he's seen how Scott and I have been behaving together. This is it. He's going to beat the life out of me.

"I've missed you." He says to me, sounding extremely more creepy than I remembered.

"That makes one of us." Great. Now you've made him even more angry. Good going, Mitch.

"Look, I've moved on, Travis. I don't want to see you ever again. Please, leave me alone." I say, trying to get Scott's attention so he can save me.

"I'm sorry Mitch, but I simply cannot leave you be-"

"Excuse you. I do not believe you should be having a conversation with /my/ boyfriend." Scott interrupted Travis mid-sentence.

Boyfriend? Did Scott just call me his boyfriend?

"Besides, we were just leaving. Your conversation will have to be saved for another time, or more preferably, never. Goodbye, Travis." Scott said angrily as he threw the sweaters he was going to buy down on the floor into a pile, grabbed my hand, and stormed out of the shop.

I tried to look back and see Travis' expression, but Scott had pulled me away so fast I hadn't got the opportunity. After we had walked a good distance from the store, Scott bombarded me with questions.

"Are you okay?"

"Did he touch you?"

"What did he say?"

"Did he hurt you?"

He progressively got more angry and more concerned at each question.

"I'm fine Scott, he didn't lay a finger on me. However, he did say that he wouldn't leave me alone."

"That piece of shit." Scott replied. Unlike me, it was rare for him to cuss. He only did it when he was deeply effected by something. Clearly, this was one of those somethings, and it made my heart practically melt.

He pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear, "Mitch Grassi, I love you, and there's not a thing in the world I wouldn't do to protect you."

"I love you too, Scott. I love you too."

(Hello, everyone! Happy Saturday! This chapter isn't the best, but it sets up some important plot details. Let me know if you want longer chapters! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share! Until Tuesday, -L )

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