Ice Cream Date

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*Mitch's POV*

"That was so cute!" I say referring to the movie as we exist the theater.

"Not as cute as you," Scott whispered to me before gently kissing my cheek.

"Would you shut up?" I laugh through my blush to try and hide it, failing immensely. "Wanna go get ice-cream?" I ask, really hoping that he'll say yes.

"Of course I do!" He replied as a huge smile crossed his face. "I'll beat ya there!" He said while pointing to the ice-cream parlor that was only right around the corner.

I opened my mouth to hesitate, but Scott had already taken off running. I run after him, trying my best to catch up, but he was just too fast.

I run around the corner, knowing Scott was probably already inside ordering his Ice-cream because of how long it took me.

"Mitch, I thought you'd never show up!" Scott said using his overly sarcastic voice while "checking" his fake watch.

"You have longer legs, it's not fair!" I jokingly push him back as I try to make my argument. Instead of retaliating, he simply wrapped his arms around my waste and pulled me in for a hug. I willingly let him as I copied his movements.

"Come on, let's get our ice-cream now." I say as I pull away from our wonderful hug. Scott opened the door for me as I walked in, instantly becoming overwhelmed by the amazing smell of the shop.

"Think we could share one?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure, I'll order. Find us somewhere to sit?" Scott said as he leant down to kiss my cheek. I nodded in agreement as I turned away to find us a table.

I walked through several clusters of tables that already had different couples and families sitting at them until finally I came across a table for two right next to the back entrance of the parlor. I sat down on one of the pink and blue chairs and pulled my iPhone out of my pocket to check twitter. I noticed that the back door had opened when a gust of hair hit the back of my neck, but what was even more noticeable was the tug of someone pulling me out the door.

"What the fu-" I try to mumble, completely unaware of what is going on.

"Scott!" I yell, knowing that if he were to just hear me, he could make whatever this was better.

"Shut up!" I hear a low voice whisper-shout as he thrust his hand over my mouth and pulled me to the outside of the icecream parlor.

I knew the voice. I knew the large, tough hands.


"Listen, Mitch. If I can't have you, no one fucking can. I want you to break up with Scott. If you don't, well, don't say I didn't warn you." Travis yells at me as he thrusts me against the back wall of the restaurant.

My head was clouded. One moment ago I was enjoying an ice cream date with my boyfriend, and now I'm being threatened by, although as cheesy as it sounds, my worst enemy. What the hell had convinced him that this was okay to do? I'm scared. Extremely fucking scared.

"Don't even think about telling anyone about this, alright? I will end you." Travis released his hand from covering my mouth and stroked it over the side of my face in a way that I wouldn't mind if Scott did, but when Travis did it, it made me want to vomit. He let off his grip, allowing me to lean away from the wall. Before I could retaliate at all, he was running away. I could feel tears in my eyes as I tried to make sense of what just happened. I opened the back door once again and stepped in just in time to find Scott wandering around looking for me.

He perked his head up as he noticed me and I waved him over to the table I was previously sitting at.

"Hey, I got us vanilla with brownie bites mixed in, I know you like that." He said to me while setting down the cup in the middle of the table and laying two spoons next to it. He pulled out the blue chair across from me and say down excitedly.

I know what he did was nice, and that I should be thanking him and probably holding hands too, but my mind was too bobbled. I couldn't think straight, hell, I couldn't even look at Scott. I knew that if I did I would immediately burst into tears. Instead, I gave him (or more his general direction) a reassuring smile and grabbed the spoon nearest to me. I had lost all my appetite, but if I didn't eat that would look suspicious and the last thing I needed was Scott questioning me right now.

"Mitch, are you alright? You look shaken up." Scott said with genuine concern in his voice as he swallowed a chunk of brownie.

"I...uh..." I couldn't make out a sentence. Everything was running through my head. I just wanted to run away with Scott and never have to deal with any of this again.

"Mitch you don't look well, let's go, alright?" Scott said while standing up and reaching for my arm to guide me.

I stood up and took his arm, still unable to look him in the eyes. He guided me out of the restaurant and to his car. Once we exited the restaurant I completely broke down in tears.

"Oh, Mitch! What happened baby? Please don't cry. You are extremely way too beautiful to cry. Come on, let's get home." Scott said while pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, but weakly out of fear that Travis was still watching.

Scott opened the car door for me and helped me get in. He was, truly, an amazing boyfriend.

"Ok Mitch, I'm going to drive home and once we get there I'm going to do everything I can to make you better. Okay?" Scott said as he started the car. His voice was full of fear and unsureness.

"Okay." I whispered as I closed my eyes and buried my head in my jacked sleeves.

"I love you." Scott quietly said.

"I love you, too."

(Ok guys, wow. I am truly the worlds worst author. I cannot actually believe I abandoned this story for so long. Please, please, please try to forgive me. I really hope you guys like this chapter, it's not the longest or the greatest, but at least it's something. I hope you guys have a great day, and don't forget to comment and vote and all that good stuff.

Until next time, -L)

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