Mac and Cheese

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(Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! This chapter is a little weird, but be prepared for lots of cute scomiche moments coming up in the next chapters ^-^)

*Scott's POV*

Did he really say it back? Is this really happening? I've waited so long for this. I don't want this hug to ever end.

"Come on, let's get home before he catches up to us." I say to Mitch as I hesitantly pull away from our hug. We both take off running down the sidewalk. The twenty minute walk quickly turned into a ten minute run.

"Well there's my cardio for the next month." Mitch says jokingly as we arrive home, completely out of breath. I unlock our front door and Mitch enters first, I follow shortly behind him.

"Jeez Mitch, I don't know how you can still have that jacket on after our run!" I say to him while pointing at his green and black jacket that he seems to always have on.

"I think we have bigger problems to deal with right now than my jacket obsession," Mitch says turning around and looking me in my eyes. His voice has turned from the normal fun Mitch to a much more serious tone. "What are we going to do about Travis?" He continued in his serious voice.

"I've been thinking about this during our run home," I say, being as serious as possible. This was a serious issues, and it needed to be handled maturely. "I say that we consider this strike one. We should simply try to forget about it and move on. However, if he makes any move to communicate to you again, it's strike two. At that point we should contact the police. We'll figure out strike three if it ever happens." I say to Mitch, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

"Thank you so much, Scott. I wouldn't be able to make it through this without you." Mitch said to me as he slowly got closer. I found myself involuntarily being pulled towards him, as if we were magnets. In seconds we found ourselves tangled in another hug, this one however lasting noticeably longer than the one outside American Apperal. He pulled away slowly, making me want him even more.

"I'm hungry, Scott. Make me something to eat?" Mitch said, not so much as asking me to make him something, but more demanding me to. Not that I minded, I'd do anything for him. He trailed off to his bedroom as I entered our kitchen. Hmmm, what to make?

*Mitch's POV*

I love you.

He told me he loves me, and I, well I said it back. Do I? Do I love him back? Of course I do! I've been over this before. I just can't believe that he said it first.

My stomach was racing with butterflies as I unzipped my jacket and set it on the small table in my bedroom. All the butterflies suddenly stopped as I noticed the deep red scars that lined my arms. I ran my fingers over the more fresh ones and winced in pain. I started self harming around the same time Travis and I started dating. To my surprise, I still feel like I have to hurt myself even now that Travis, for the most part, is out of my life. I don't even know why I still do it, it's just become part of my daily routine. Scott doesn't know that I do it, and I want to keep it that way forever. I don't think I would be able to handle the disappointment in his eyes if he ever found out. Besides, he loves when I wear jackets, so why stop hiding my scars?

"MITCH!!" I hear Scott yelling from outside my bedroom. "MITCH!!!" He continued, being even louder this time.

"YOUR DINNER IS READY!" He practically screamed from our kitchen. I'm almost positive Scott is being purposely annoying at this point.

"Okay, I'll be right there!" I yell, not quite as loud as he had been, as I throw on a different jacket than before, this one was purple with black polka dots.

I open my bedroom door and make my way to our kitchen only to be stopped by Scott half way.

"I thought we could eat in the living room today." Scott said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to our couch. His touch sent shivers up my arm. He held on to my hand all the way to our couch, and even then he was hesitant to let go. He jumped on to our couch and patted the seat next to him signaling me to sit there. I did as he commanded, and he scooted closer to me once I had positioned myself. He was practically sitting in my lap, we were so close. Not that I'm complaining, I loved it.

"I microwaved some left over mac cheese from a couple nights ago, I know it's not the best, but I hope it's okay." Scott said, sympathetic, as he handed me a bowl of delicious yellow drenched noodles. Mac and cheese is my favorite food, I could literally eat it everyday.

"I love it," I say to Scott, making sure to express to him that I appreciate what he did. "I love you." I continue, changing the topic to something much better than mac and cheese.

"Mitch Grassi, I could just kiss you right now." Scott said, slightly joking, but I could tell part of him was being serious.

"What's stopping you?" I say, leaning closer to him, as if that was possible. I close my eyes and continue to lean in as he did the same. Within seconds our lips were touching.

There is one thing in the world that tastes better than mac and cheese, and that is Scott Hoying.

(Well, what do you think? Let me know in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote and share! Until Saturday, -L)

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