It Helps Me

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(*apologizes for shortness and overall cruddy-ness of this chapter*)

*Mitch's POV*

"Scott!? What are you doing? Stop!" I shout at him as tears start falling from my eyes. "No! You weren't supposed to find out about this! I'm so sorry..." I can feel my entire heart sinking inside my chest. Scott looks so hurt, does he really care this much?

"Mitch, I love you. Please, just tell me why you do this." Scott's voice cracked from tears as he finished the sentence.

"I just... Travis...and...I can't...couldn't..." I couldn't get out a sentence. I lunge towards Scott, hoping a hug will do the explaining for me, but knowing he'll still ask questions. I wrap my arms around him and continue to sob out my emotions. I hear him crying as he hugged me back.

"It will be okay. You will be okay," Scott whispered to me, more than once. I really hope he's right.

"Mitch, I...uh made you breakfast. Think maybe we could eat and talk about this?" Scott said, trying his best to swallow his tears. He put on a reassuring, but obviously fake, smile and walked away to grab me my plate. He soon returned and gave me a huge plate of my favorite breakfast food, pancakes. He laid down next to me and curled up into my chest.

"Scott, are you going to eat?" I say with a mouth full of pancakes. I've already practically finished my plate.

"I've lost my appetite." Scott said, he voice sounded sorrowful. Have I really hurt him this bad?

"Look, I can explain Scott. I started cutting while I was with Travis. I don't know why I did it, but after trying it once I just couldn't stop. I've grown used to it. Now when I cut, it doesn't hurt anymore. It actually feels the opposite. It helps me. Since I've left Travis, I haven't been doing it as much, but I haven't given it up either. It helps me, and I don't see why I should have to quit." I can't believe the train words that just pooled out of my mouth. Did I really just tell Scott all of this? He's going to hate me.

"Mitch..." Scott's voice was flooded with tears. I could feel the wetness that he was leaving on my clothes. "I'm so sorry." As he said it he hopped on me for a giant hug. My pancake plate fell on to the floor, but I didn't really mind. I wrapped my arms around him and join him in crying. God, his hugs are amazing.

"I want to help you," Scott said after finally leaving our five minute long hug. "When ever you feel like cutting, tell me. I don't care if you have to call me, or even if you need to wake me up at three in the morning. You talk to me, okay? And I will do everything I can to comfort you and help you. Deal?" Scott's eyes had regained some life to them, he always looks alarmingly undead when he cries.

"Deal." I say, knowing I most likely won't be able to keep it.

"Good. Now if you don't mind, I would like to continue cuddling with you." Scott said as he cuddled into my chest. I laid my head on him and closed my eyes. Crying had always worn me out, and apparently it has the same effect on Scott. It wasn't long until we were both asleep again.

(What do you think? Lemme know in the comments! Thank you for 1000 reads, I never would have guessed I'd get that many. Also, special thank you to WeronikaMalinowska for always being so nice and you were also one of my first reader so yay ^-^ haha thanks to all of you <3 see ya Saturday!)

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