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Yuuri Katsuki

I was casually talking with Phitchit in the hallway by my locker when i heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Yuuri!", i turned my head to see a smiling russian whom i've come to love over our five months of friendship; and i dont mean love in a friend way. I've fallen for him and i've fallen hard.

"Hey Viktor.", i smile at him as he approaches Phitchit and i. "You guys wanna go ice skating after school today?", He asks leaning his arm on my shoulder with a big smile plastered on his face; god that smile makes my knee's weak.

"Cant, i've got chores, But you two have fun!", Phitchit winks at us while i glare at him; as if im burning holes into his clothes and head just by the way im staring at him. If only that could happen. The bell rings so Viktor and i wake bye to Phitchit as we all head to our classes; Viktor and i have many of our classes together which is a relief but at the same time i hate it because he's such a distraction to me with his hot looks that in our academic classes i cant help but stare at him and it makes me lose my focus on the work!

We head to our first period class; Poetry with Mr.Franta. Its one of my favorite classes because we get to express ourselves through these poems and most of my poems are about Viktor although only Phitchit, Mr.Franta, and i all know about it. i'd be so embarassed if Viktor ever found out i write love poems and how they're all about him.

Mr.Franta used to be a youtuber/vlogger but he quit and decided to become a poetry teacher after realeasing his new book, 'Note to self.', and let me tell you- i cried at the chapter 'I fell in love.', it really broke my heart and i really relate to that chapter a lot. We sit down in our desks that are next to each other just as the bell rings; signalling for class to start now. "Alright class, starting today we are gonna be working on a project about a certain emotion that was so powerful to you. You are assigned to describe it, write a poem about it, maybe even have or make a picture you think helps describe the feeling or one you think gives you that feeling. Its due by the end of the week since today is only Wednesday.", he says with a smile while writing stuff down on the white board.

He backs away from the white board that has a list of what he just said on it. "Alright, get started.", he directs his eyes towards me and i nod. I pull out a piece of paper but quickly look over to Viktor to see him working hard on his poem; i wonder what hes writing about...

a/n hope you guys liked the little preview of whats about to go down (; 
and yes, mr.Franta is connor franta im trash okay byee

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