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A/n how was your guys day? mine was good but i was extremley tired bc i got barely any sleep. Anyways, now to the story!
Also, i edited chapter one so Phitchit wasnt going on a date with Chris and he just had chores to do because i wanted to give our poor Vitya some happiness in this chapter.


Viktor Nikiforov

I was in 1st period and drawing a picture of me and Yuuri holding hands with two kids by our sides, it made me smile but also tear up at the thought of it. I may never get to live my dream.... for all i know, my poor Yuuri could die... The bell suddenly rang and as everyone left the room, i took a big sigh before getting up and stacking my poem and drawing together while i look around the class and smile softly at a bunch of work that Yuuri and i did thats on the walls. I'm gonna miss this school. Im gonna miss Yuuri..... "Vitya, are you ready?", i turn my head to see my mom standing next to Mr.Franta with Yurio in her arms and shes smiling at me with a concerned look.

I go over and hand Mr.Franta my papers. "It was nice being here and in your class..", i mumble looking down as he pats my shoulder and kneels down to give me a sympathetic look. "Hes gonna get better, dont lose hope.", he ruffles my hair while i give him a half smile, then waving goodbye as my mom puts her arm on my other shoulder and we start walking out of the class. I look over to see Yuuko and Phitchit standing at the office looking like they're about to cry. I run over and hug them both while they hug me back. I start crying into their shoulders while they comfort me; i really dont wanna leave these losers... they're my losers...

"We're gonna miss you, pal. Promise to text us everyday?", i let go of the hug and see Phitchit giving me a sort of sad and sorry grin so i just nod before my mom comes back out from the office and i wave goodbye to my friends with tears in my eyes while walking to the car. As soon as i get in, i see Phitchit and Yuuko crying while waving goodbye to me. I take out my phone and put in my headphones so i can sleep and listen to music while in the car ride to the airport.

'The city is at war - Cobra ship'

'Bang! Bang!
Shoot em up!
Shoot em up, yea!'

I start to drift asleep.

Time skip

As we drive our new car from the dealership in Russia, we're off to my grandmas place while im looking at the city of St.Petersburg while listening to music.

'Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall out boy'

'i only think in the form of crunching numbers.'

I sigh.

'One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories'

We finally reach my grandpas house and i pause my music as my mom asks to hold Yurio, so i do, then enter the house and im greeted by him giving a smile. "Welcome back, Vitya. This must be the little one, then.", he looks at Yurio and boops his nose causing Yurio to whine and give his angry scrunched up face again. "He's gonna be a strong boy one day, i can tell.", he chuckles and i hand Yurio over to him, Yakov takes Yurio and Yurio instantly starts fussing.

Dad comes in and takes Yurio instantly in his arms and Yurio still has a scrunched up face but he stopped fussing. "Viktor, why dont you go take a walk while your mother, grandpa, and i all unpack everything and get settled, Ok?", dad suggests to me; but me being stubborn and depressed, i simply just nod and start walking out the house while playing my music again.

'Dirty little secret - The all-american rejects'

'You are the only one that needs to know.
I'll keep you my dirty little secret.
who has to know?
When we live such fragile lives.
Its the best way to survive.'

I sigh as i try holding back my tears once i start realising i got lost; fuck, its been so long since i've been here i dont remember much and dont remember where im going.

'You need help?'

I hear a muffled voice and take off my earphones, then turning back around to see someone i havent seen in years. My childhood best friend.


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