Chapter 10

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"Go ahead Carter tell her ! " Luke said with the biggest grin ive ever seen

Carter started to chuckle " haha okay Daisy , so we was talking and  ---------

*BANG * the door to the bus flew open and the girl that was supposed to have left , flew in

she looked so mad she stopped right inside the door and practically yelled  " I DIDN'T GET AN AUTOGRAPH ! OR a hug !!!" then she started to walk towards Luke

Carter stood in front of Luke and got on his walkie talkie like he does in LBTV " Ed come in Ed !"

"What is it Carter ?"

"We need you in the bus RIGHT NOW " Carter said with authority and then continued to say  "Listen girl you can't just bust into a tour bus ! You were told to leave now LEAVE "

right as Carter was saying that to the girl , Ed came in the door

"Whats the problem here Luke and Carter ?"

Carter grabbed the girl and said "Ed we need you to escort this girl to whoever brought her here and make sure she stays away .....Sorry young lady but we tried to do this the nice way , it didn't have to be like this but you forced us to treat you this way "

Ed had the girl by her hands and escorted her out of the bus and shut the door

"wow that was unexpected haha " Carter said to Luke

" Whats wrong with girls these days "Luke said

"Alright Daisy girl you ready to hear what we was gonna tell you ,before theres another interruption ? haha" Luke said with that adorable crooked smile he does so well

"You bet I am ! "

eeeeek FINALLY!!!

Luke , Luck, and LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora