Chapter 58

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My heart started pounding out of my chest where is my necklace ?!

And then I heard the bunk door open and out walked Luke in sweatpants and shirtless , holding 2 beers and one red rose in his mouth haha omg

He looked like he was going to attack me ! "Luke! now is not the time for this, i hate to rain on our parade but my necklace is missing! "

The rose fell out of his mouth and he got serious " Are you sure you put it back in its box?"

"yes! I put it there before the concert"

"Well its gotta be here somewhere maybe it fell or just got missplaced" Luke said while starting to look under the couch and kitchen table

"No Luke , it didn't just get missplaced, someone took it ! "

I started to shake because just thinking that i might not find it is scary because i know Luke loved it and was so happy to give it to me

I headed back into the bunk room to search more and i could hear the door to the bus open

"hey Luke"

Well sounds like its Carter . I walked out to see if he had any idea where it was

"Hey Carter have you seen my necklace Luke got me? We cant find it anywhere!"

Carter looked confused and then he thought for a while and then finally spoke "Since you brought that up , i think i did see it"

" Where ?????" I asked desperately

"Well i went backstage while the opening act was on stage and i seen Harley walkin round with BM and she had on a flashy necklace that looked like yours " Carter said with a shrug

I sent a dead stare right at Luke and he knew what i was going to say im sure of it

I could feel myself burning up inside and nobody else seemed to care or bother them at all!!

I looked back at Luke and all he could say was "Well at least we know its safe" and then walked over and put his arm around me

I looked at him in disbelief. This... This.. This girl! waltzes in here and thinks she can just hit on my man and THEN steal my jewelry out of jealousy.... and they think it is all so innocent ...

I walked right passed Luke and opened the door before asking Carter if he knew where BM and Harley were . He didn't know . Well im gonna find out

I walked around the venue and then backstage . There she was ... Standing there in MY Pink sundress wearing MY necklace that Luke gave me .

All i could picture right now is me ripping that necklace off her neck and pouring a beer down her back even though it is my dress . Anything could happen at this point... I started walking towards her....

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