Chapter 66 ( The perfect date )

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I grabbed Lukes hand and led him out to my truck , we hopped in and i started driving . Luke keeps asking all these questions !! Its so hard to not answer him , hes so pursuasive!

"Luke i told you i want it to be a cute little surprise ! Don't make me spoil it ! "

He just kept giving me puppy dog eyes haha but it ain't gonna work!!

"Luke we are almost there so calm down babe!"

I reached over and turned up the radio so i coudn't hear him trying to pursuade me to tell him haha

Finally we got there , i parked farther away so he couldn't see it at first . We got out of the truck and I grabbed Lukes hand and told him to follow me.

"Okay now close your eyes "

He rolled his eyes and let out a deep breath of frustration

Then i put something in his hand . He opened his eyes and saw that i handed him a silver golf club that says "Luke Bryan " on it in fancy lettering

"Omg Daisy! this is awesome! So i take it we are going golfing !?" " Luke said with excitiment in his voice

"Yes! and nobody else is here , its just you and me ! We get the course all to ourselves !"

"Awe! Daisy your amazing! " Luke said and grabbed me into a huge tight bear hug and kissed me

"Did you see my cute golf club? "

I held it up , it says "Luke Bryans Girl" on it

"I love it " he said and winked at me "its perfect "

He grabbed my hand and we got in our golf cart and headed out on the course . This is going to be so much fun! I'm so happy i get to do this for Luke he deserves this . A day away from fans , i know he loves them but its nice to get away for awhile im sure! ........

It was almost 5:00 by the time we were finally done!

"Daisy that was truely the best game of golf i have ever played , I can't believe you beat me!!" He said and then tackled me to the ground

"haha hey! You can't hide talent !" i said with a laugh

Luke just laughed

"hey that reminds me! I'll be right back Luke ! Don't go anywhere!!" I said and then ran for the truck

When i got to the truck i grabbed a picnic basket i packed full of sandwhichs , a blanket, beer, and a balloon attached that says I LOVE YOU , i hope Luke likes this idea...

"Daisy a picnic ! on a golf course!? How romantic is that " he said with a smile "and i love the balloon "

Luke looked shocked and so happy , i think hes having a great time and he honestly really deserves this.

I spread the blanket and we started eating our sandwhichs

"Luke, I know this isn't a fancy dinner or expensive trip to an island or even a real special place but ... i . well...i -----"

Luke cut me off before i could finish " I love you too Daisy and none of that matters , the only important thing is being with you ,because theres no better place than that . No matter where we are i'm happy because your with me , and thats really all that matters . "

Luke is so amazing , a tear rolled down my face and Luke kissed me there. "No crying" he said with a smile "This is a fun time ! and the days not over yet either ..."

what does he mean by that ???

"what do you mean ? " I said and stared at Luke

He kept smiling at me and wouldn't look away from me or answer me ! we just had this little staring contest going on here haha

"okay Luke staring contest over! What do you mean ? haha"

Luke leaned in close to me and put his arm around me "Welllll I was thinking me and this girl named Daisy Rae could go to the county fair tonight , but i don't know if she has a date for tonight yet or not"

a smile instantly formed on my face "Well you never know until you ask her! " I said playing along

"I don't know shes kind of out of my league , you know like she ain't a 10 shes more like a 1,000 "

I busted out laughing and playfully punched his shoulder but what he said was adorable haha i love his goofiness!!

"Luke your crazy!"  I said and got up to clean up our mess

" No im just truthful " He said with a smile and then got up and started spinning me around

"so i guess ill go ahead and ask anyways , do you want to go with me to the fair when we get home ?"

I looked up at him and those beautiful eyes and said " of course i do Luke , sounds like fun!" ..

we got everything cleaned up and put back in the basket and then headed for the truck . I can't wait to go to the fair when we get home!! eeek! .....

I couldn't stop smiling and i think Luke couldn't either because everytime i looked over he was smiling right back at me . The sun was begining to set behind the trees of the parking lot , it felt so perfect holding Lukes hand and feeling the last rays of the setting sun bounce off our backs .....

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