Chapter 87 (breakfast in bed )

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I can't believe we have been married 2 months already ! Time is going so fast but i am loving every second of it. I got lost in my own thoughts As i watch Luke getting ready for his last concert before we leave for our honeymoon . I cant believe this is my life and this is my amazing husband !
Luke finished buttoning his shirt and walked over to me " Daisy girl what is on your mind? " he said while tucking my hair behind my ear
I let a smile cross my face " Everything Luke ! our lives together our happiness and how excited i am to leave for our honeymoon tomorrow and have no interuptions nobody but me and you ! "
Luke gave me one of those toothy smiles where it went all the way up to his eyes , and then with his arms slipped under my shirt he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead  " I couldn't be any more excited baby" He said before heading back to finish getting ready to head out on stage to put on one hell of a show as always.
Watching Luke pull kids up on stage with him to sing with him melts my heart every single time, He really does try to make their concert experience one of a kind. I just know he is going to be an amazing father one day , i really can't wait for that part of our lives.
BM kept his distance the entire concert thankfully, i am going to be civil with him unless he gives me another reason not to then i will involve Luke but hopefully he won't act stupid again.
"Daisy where are you going for your honeymoon?"
"oh hey Mitch! " i said while heading over to the merch stand "I have no idea! Luke wanted it to be a surprise and all romantic ! But he sure does know how to treat a woman so i'm sure it is going to be great!"
Mitch started squealing " eeeek i'm so excited for you guys! I don't want you to bother texting me while you are there but as soon as you come home i want a full descriptin of it ! well... i mean im sure you can leave out some parts... haha."
we both busted out laughing ! " well i better get back over to the stage Luke should be finishing up soon and we need to get back to the bus and get to sleep asap ! I'll see you later Mitch! "

Later that night after the show , I slipped into my baggy tshirt pajamas and crawled into the bunk with Luke
"I'm so tired but i just cant fall asleep im too excited !"
Luke started playing with my hair as he whispered " just close your eyes baby and we will be home and headed for our honeymoon in no time. "  and then he gave me a long slow kiss and  continued to run his fingers through my hair

I woke up rubbed my eyes a little bit and rolled over. Well , Luke is gone so he must have already gotten up. I just started to sit up and let out a bigggg stretch when Luke walked into the bunk room with a tray that has blueberry waffles , syrup , apple juice and 2 chocolate chip cookies shaped like hearts on it !
"Luke omg! breakfast in bed ! How thoughtful of you , I really am the lucky one in this marriage ! " 
I wrapped him in a big hug and pulled him in for a few kisses before tasting some amazing waffles. I can't believe how sweet Luke is he really does surprise me each and every day with how amazing he is. I got up and decided to head for the house since we was finally back home. Everyone else must have already went home because there was nobody to be found.
I walked into the house and into the living room and there was 2 camouflage suitcases sitting along with a few other luggage bags. I looked over to Luke sitting on the stairs grinning.
"What is all this Luke ?"
"Well Daisy girl , since our honeymoon is a surprise i figured i would keep the surprises going with a mystery packed suitcase since you have no idea where we are going " he said with a wink
"haha well aren't you just full of surprises today! At least this means i don't have to worry about packing haha "
I helped Luke load everything into his truck , i was tempted to peek inside the luggage just for a second to catch a glimpse of anything that might give away where we are headed , but i decided not to spoil Lukes fun.

I hopped into the passenger seat , grabbed Lukes hand and we was off !

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