Chapter 33

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When I woke up , Luke was gone . I stretched and then hopped out of the bunk and opened the door to the kitchen. Huh there is nobody around , I guess I kinda slept in a bit and missed breakfast AND early lunch woops .

So I looked around for a note and there wasn't one , I heard laughing and yelling outside so I opened the bus door and there was the boys throwing the football and tackling each other haha , and also we are at Lukes house now .

After peeking outside , I ran to change into a pair of shorts and a tank top and to put my hair up . Then I quickly choked down a  granola bar  haha and then walked outside .

All the guys looked up when they heard the door slam shut .... "Well hello there sleepy head " Carter yelled

"heyy baby! " Luke yelled and came runnin over to me "Are you okay?"

"yeah im gonna be just fine " I said with a smile

" that's my girl!! " Luke said while grinning and then pinched my cheek haha

We all played a few rounds of football for a while until Carter got stung with a bee and needed to go put ice on it haha poor Carter things always happen to him ! So we all went inside Lukes house to have some supper . Luke actually made a homemade meal , I was totally impressed .

"Has anybody seen Luke since supper?" I asked

"uhhhhmmm" BM said

then I could hear Carter and Mike muttering to each other

"Whats going on you two !"

"well maybe you should go check the tour bus ?" Carter said

so I walked out of the house and headed for the bus and on the door was a piece of paper , it said "Dearest Daisy, Come inside " ..... okay I guess I gotta go in

First thing I noticed was an arrow on a sticky note on the table and it was pointing towards the bunk room so that's where I headed next. Then I see a sticky note that says "OPEN" on my bunks curtain . So I walked over and opened the curtain and there was a beautiful strapless candy apple red sundress that had the back cut out and lace overtop with a pair of brown cowboy boots with red detailing on them!

The note on top said "Even though you already look drop dead gorgeous I kinda thought youd like it anyways , put it on in the bathroom "

okay so I grabbed the clothes and headed to the bunk bathroom and changed . Wow this dress is so beautiful!! and these boots im in love with!! Luke knows me so well .

So I continued out of the bunk room and into the kitchen and there was a sticky note on the bus door "Open" so I did

When I opened the door There was Luke standing ! and Lukes truck was parked right there behind him , just close enough that the door didn't hit the bus.

And he was holding a red rose in a vase and he handed it to me and also with a smallish box that was kinda plain looking .

"Hey Daisy girl , I see you followed the instructions and now are looking even more drop dead gorgeous than before ."

he had me blushing so bad

"Okay darlin now don't you open that box until I say you can! its the surprise ! You can smell that rose all you want but don't open the box! .... Now get yourself up in my truck and we'll head on out! "

"whatever you say Luke" I couldn't stop smiling while walking to get in the truck, Luke is so sweet he's always doing things for me ..... that gives me an idea for later! .... but for now Its killing me what is in this box !!!.........

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