Chapter 3

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Wally's POV

An explosion. That was what it was. The shot was headed strait towards Arty.

"You ok?" I asked her looking at her below me. She blushed nodding.

"DUCK AND COVER!!! ROUND TWO!!!" Batman screamed at us as we ran and found shelter in random spots within the cave.

"Come out come out wherever you are little sister." A familiar female voice, Cheshire. I was not about to lose her not again i loved her and i needed her.

"I don't think you have to come here and ruin the clean house now did you?" Arty said as she walked with out her bow. Her hair swayed back and forth. Even with her clothes tattered she looked beautiful. Dirt and blood smeared over her forehead and arms made me want to protect her no matter what.

"Oh darling you know i have my reasons. it is your birthday non the less." Jade, Cheshire, said as she took off her mask and continued."I need help to defeat dad... he wants to kill your team and Roy Harper."

"Roy? How would you know Red Arrow's true name?" Green Arrow questioned her.

"We have hung out before..." she said getting strange looks form the League and a devilish look from Robin. But her sister was fumed with anger, it looked like she was going to explode and kill Jade and Roy."Will you help me though?"

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