Chapter 6

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Artemis' POV

When my sister told me of her plan to kill dad I was all into it but, because of the new life I live and the new path I have chosen I wasn't going back down to dads level. So I faked being all into it. I could put both in for crimes and still see me and my sister safe from the outside world.

After the whole "lets kill dad" thing I went to my room to find my shower stuff. When I did I went to the CoEd washrooms,. I liked it there because no one is there to bother you and you don't have to pay attention to the drama.

"Hey, beautiful." I herd a voice behind me as my robe hits the floor. It was Wally, but way was he so scared looking?

"Hey, Baywatch. What u-" but he cut me off.

"I told the Bat what you said to your sister."

"What! But, I wasn't going to kill h-" an for a second time, he cut me off.

"I know, the Bat said the said the same thing, you were just playing along."

"Few-" but this time I was happy when he cut me off, because it wasn't with words but with actions. he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. his breath danced in my skin as his green eyes shined looking strait at me. Slowly my arms went around his neck and my olive hands ran through his hair, his perfect fiery red hair. His hands reached for my waist keeping me close to him. I begin to feel my face get as red as Wally's hair, so I looked down but only to have my face brought up and warm soft lips touch mine. And the world was left to be perfect. But all good things came to an end when the troll caught the moment on camera.

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