Chapter 7

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Robin's POV

I was walking down the hall when I herd hushed voices. But the strange thing was who's voices they were, Wally and Artemis! they would never be together, alone, and in the same room! It was totally out of place! So being me I was gonna check it out.

I crept around the corner and saw the whole thing. They had a slight argument but they both were blushing about how close they were. Arty was pulled closer to Wal-man. Both locked eyes, but that didn't last she began to look down and wrapped her arms around his neck. Wally moved his head down and locked lips. I mean honestly Wally was kissing Artemis! It was crazy! They both got into it but I needed to show The Bat!

I pulled out my phone and took the pic. Yes, I thought, this is to good to be true. Even though they already kissed it was still worth it.

Wally's POV

"OMG!!! ROB!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!" Both Arty and I screamed. She looked at me, causing her to blush. She was so adorable when she blushed. She was amazing, hot, and the best at everything.

"Umm... we should..." she started.

"Yeah we should." I finished her thought and ran over to her. I picked her up like I did in Sabilia. Oh found memories.

"Hey what's this?" she asked me, but that didn't stop her from snuggling into my chest. I slowed down and stopped on the couch. She looked up at me but didn't move. I just smiled and slowly fell asleep with the perfect girl in my arms.


Green Arrow's POV

"FLASH WE NEED TO TALK!!!" I screamed after most of the team was in the Bioship. He looked at me and smiled, it was one of his smirks like he new what I was gonna say.

"Yes, Oliver. How can I help ya?" he asked me even when he already new what was on the topic of debate. But using my secret identity was not the best idea, that just pissed me off more.

"Ugg! You should understand that Wally and Artemis should of never happened! You know it, I know it, the League knows it, but they don't get it!"

"What don't we get?" Wally asked as he moved on the sofa. Artemis was underneath his arm snuggled up against him.

"You and her just won't work out! Ok? She will get tired of you and just move on. She is not into long term relationships." I told him and both speedsters eyes widened in horror. Wally was fuming and was just filed with raw anger. So much of that rage had shown that he was shaking. The Flash tried to get him to calm down but couldn't, until Artemis said something...

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