Chapter 4

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"Alright let's go and wait in our next class. We don't need lunch." Namjoon said and the boys started to walk off. "Let's go." Namjoon said and glared at heaven, who was still on the ground. She stood up and followed the boys and tried to stay as far away as possible from jimin. They arrive at the classroom and sit down in their normal seats.

"I'm hungry." Jungkook complains. "Then go get lunch. Heaven is on my bad side right now since she honestly can't understand that she can't fight back. So she isn't eating lunch." Namjoon says and jungkook nods. "Are you hungry?" He asks namjoon who nods. "Yeah but I'm fine. You guys go and I'll stay here with her." Namjoon commanded. "I ate a big breakfast and I'm not hungry. I can watch her and you guys go eat." Suga suggested. "Yeah right, like I'm gonna do that!" Jimin yelled. "Jimin, let's go." Namjoon said. The others followed him and jimin slammed the door as he left.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to help you and stop jimin but I can't when they are around. Are you okay?" He apologized. "I'm hardly okay. Jimin has forced me to kiss him and I feel miserable and completely useless." She responds, making suga feel really bad.

"So you were fine with me kissing you?" He asks. Heaven nodded, "you didn't force me to kiss you and you were being kind and comforting me. It didn't feel forced or aggressive. It felt sweet and I didn't mind that." Heaven admitted. "I really am sorry. I just can't help if one of them decide to do something, whether I like it or not." He says.

"It's fine suga. I still hate you though. You aren't as bad as the rest of them but you aren't good either." She warns and he just nods. "Why did you get so mad at Jackson?" She suddenly asked. "I don't have to explain myself." He responded. "Okay. I was just asking." She replied and looked down at her desk and played with her fingers.

The others come back and sit back in  their seats. "What happened?" J-hope asked. "Nothing I sat and stared at the desk while thinking about how miserable my life is." Heaven replied and gave a purposefully fake smile. They looked at suga who just shrugged.

After school, heaven walked with namjoon to his house. "If the boys need anything you get them what they want. You can ask me if you need help but don't bug me too much." Namjoon said once you go the house. You just went to your room and started doing homework when your phone went off.

Your only hope : hey can you help me with the homework? Well I am asking but you don't really have a choice.

Heaven : I haven't even done the homework yet. I just started so I can't help you.

Your only hope : when you finish, send me a picture of the answers. I'm too lazy to bother with all this work.

Heaven : whatever.

Your only hope : watch yourself. You better not get an attitude with us.

Heaven : yeah I got that already. I'm going to do my homework, bye

Heaven worked on the homework for about two hours before sending J-hope the pictures of the finished homework.

Your only hope: took you long enough. Thanks ;)

Heaven: I only did it because I had to.

Your only hope : good girl. Now you should sleep. We are probably gonna need you in the morning.

Heaven turned her phone off and just sat on her bed. She put her thumb on her lips. Why did the boys think they could just kiss her like that? Suga was the only one in the group that she actually didn't hate, regardless of what she said. He was sweet and he actually did care about her feelings but he didn't help when jimin did that to her and he could have. Without noticing, heaven had started crying. She was so stressed. First these boys start messing with her, then she is forced to talk about her parents, then she is forced to move in with namjoon. Everything she does is forced. What was happening to her life?

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