chapter two: even more friends

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   Just as i was about to tell my life story a big security guard spoke through a microphone and announced they were about to open the gates. I looked at my friends with excitment and squeeled and jumped full of joy!! we quickly got in line and i almost forgot to tell the people at the gate i won that contest and was suppose to tell them. I walked up to one of the huge security guards and told him i had won those all access backstage passes and he let me and my new friends in before the gates opened. I told him i had chosen the band Blood on the dance floor to hang with and they said ok and he would take care of the details. I beamed with the biggest smile and said okay.

   As i was aimlessly wondering around i suddenly hit something and fell to the ground, looked up and almost passed out with excitment and embaressed to see Ashley Purdy from black veil brides looking down at me with laughter and concern. You alright? I was stunned for a few minutes and finally stood up real quick and said Hell yah, im so sorry i was so excited to be here i wanst looking where i was going. Its all good ashley said. Whats your name beautiful? oh im sorry im Lyric, is that your real name? yes it is, WOW thats an amazingly gorgeous name, how on earth did you come with that name? Im not sure my parents were really young when they had me and loved music and decided to call me Lyric. Well thats and amazing name and if you ever change it i will personally hunt you down and make you change it back. HAHAHAHA dont worry ashley i will never change it, I also looove music and i looove music lyrics so will never change my name. So, Ashley, yeeees Lyric? when and where do yall perform? I said it in a flirty type of way and thats how ashley took it i suppose. Well Lyric the type of perform your talking about we dont do in public like this, he said with a playful smile on his face. HAHAHA, But we play at the southeast end at 4 tonight. Oh ok ill beable to make that then, because im wanting to see botdf too and i do not want to miss them, but im really really glad i get to see yall "perform" and see botdf as well. Again ashley chuckeled and gave me a playful seductive smile. Wait he said, you are over 20 right? i looked at him in confussion and said yah im 21 years old. He let out a bug breath and said thank god, i thought i was flirting with a really young girl. I looked at him playfully and said why ashley your flirting with me? He kinda looked at me and said HELL YAH your freaking Beautiful. I blushed a little bit and looked at him and said thanks. No problem lyric i always try to show a pretty girl a little bit of love.

    Before i knew it andy biersak and cc walked up and befor i could even work up the courage to smile ashley took my hand and pulled me over to them and said OMG guys you wont believe the amazingly beautiful girls name is, Andy smirked and said ashley you always say that about any girl, ashley flipped him off and said shut up, but really guys her name is Lyric. Andys eyes got really big and CC just stared in amazment. Andy finally spoke up and said really? thats your real name? i blushed and said yes it is, for 21 years now. Andy looked at CC in amazment and CC asked what you middle name i looked at all three of them with questionalbe eyes and said Veil, they then freaked out even more. Andy finally calmed down enough to tell me that i had to have a beautiful name to match my beautiful face and hopefully a beautiful personallity.I just blushed and smiled.

   Andy totally forgot why he came to get Ashley, he said ahsley we have to go now, ashley turned and followed them but not before turning around and giving me a peck on the cheek and a hug. See yah later lyric. Bye ashley, andy and CC. Tony came up behind me and said wow your meeting all kinds of friends now. I looked at him with sad eyes and said, yall and those guys are my first realy friends. Tony just kind of looked at me strange and didnt believe me at first till i started to tear up, he game me a hug and told me itll be ok, no matter how mean people where to me in the past i was making all kinds of friends that those people would kill to be friends with.

   I just smiled and agreed. I turned to hug Courtney and alak and we continued to walk around and see all the other tents that were starting to set up. I stopped dead in my tracks almost knocking my friends to the ground. What the Hell Lyric, a warning would be nice. Shit im sorry but look who is setting up a merch tent over there. I pointed right in front of us and me and courtney just took off running.  The guys saw where we were going and rolled their eyes and followed us slowly. Me and courtney slowly and nervously walked up to colorful tent where Jefferree star was putting out his shirts and CDs. He looked up and gave us a warm welcoming smile. Well hello there. Hi we said in unision. Im Jeffree and who are you beautiful? Im Lyric and th- i was inturupted by jeffree saying omg that is an amazing beautiful name, is that your real name? yes it is. OMG thats awesome!! thank you. And whats your name? oh im courtney, my name isnt as unique as hers. well whats your middle name? sailey, wow thats really pritty too, Lyric wats your middle name? uuuhhh veil, wow you must be a very very interesting person. Well i can be. I bet. So Jeffree when do you go on stage? I go on later tonight but i am going to be on stage with blood on the dance floor for a few songs too. YAAAYY me and courtney jumped for joy ant the same time. Well we just wanted to come over here and meet you and can we please get a pic with you? Why of course you can girls.

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