chapter 11: on the road and everything is perfect! for now

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Jayys P.O.V

    I woke up to find Lyric crying again, Lyric!!!! whats wrong babe? she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. I was confused, was she happy? or was she sad? she came back over to me and curled up in my arms, nothing babe, im just great, she said with a smile. Then why are you crying? i asked. Im just so lucky, my life has turned out way better then i ever suspected, she said. What do you mean? i asked, well I always thought i was going to be alone, infact I was frightened and scared to death, ever sence i was little i dreamed of finding someone to love and someone to love me, but as I got older it just wasnt happening, so i started to think love wasnt real, just another fantasy tooken on by stupid people who had no clue, then I met you, I still thought love was stupid and there was no way in hell you would ever feel this way so I kinda just pushed it off, but I seen the way you talked to me and acted around me, so I flirted and kinda teased you. OOOHHH!!! I said finally seeing the light, thats why you came out in that towel, you wanted to know if I would take a second look, well let me tell you I took more than a second look. And do you remeber that person that was stareing at you when you were outside the gate? yes, she said. Well that was me, and of course love exist, i said as i wrapped my arms around her tighter and kissed her forehead, I love you, and always will, i will never leave you, and you are good enough for me, you are perfect for me. I said with a chuckel.

    She looked up at me and smile, I love you too she said, as she burried her head in my neck. I rolled over to stretch because I been asleep for a long time it felt like. She stood up to stretch and thats when i noticed, Hey!! I said jokeingly why are your wearing those ugly granny panties for? she kinda looked hurt, well i didnt fill like changing so i just left these on, and i thought you said I look sexy in anything, she kinda said with a pouty face. She turned to walk to the other side of the bed, i quickly grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back down with me but she turned to quick, Nope, she said, you dont like these so im going to sleep on this little chair in the corner, so she ran over there. NOOOO, I said, im sorry, you look really pretty, i promise, please come back to bed. She just sat there with her eyes looking away, nope if you want me over there you have to come get me. OK then, i will, I said with a devish smile. I got up and started over there, she quickly grabbed the arms on the chair but obviously im wwaaaayy stronger than her and i just picked her up bridal style and took her back to bed. I layed her back on her side of the bed, she laughed and burried herself under all the covers. I got on my side of the bed and tried to uncover her. You better come out or im going to tickel you, i said laughing, she mumbeled something. I quickly found her waist and started to tickel her. I could hear her muffeled screams of laughter, finally I could see her beautiful face again, i had to stop tickeling her because i was afraid we would wake dahvie up. I pulled her in tightly to me and wrapped my arms around her waist. Jayy? she asked, What babe, I said as i sat up to see the side of her face, do you really like what im wearing or do you perfer the lacey stuff better? I just laughed, well you look lovely in that, but i looove the lacey stuff better, i bent down into her ear and whispered, it shows of your curves a hole lot better. she laughed, you really like my curves that much? Yes i do, i said exaggerating the yes. i gave her a kiss on the cheek and we fell back asleep.

LOVE TOOK ME BY SUPRISE. (jayy von and lyric love story)Where stories live. Discover now