chapter 3: love dosn't exist for me

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   As we walked away from Jeffree stars table, i seen a few couples walking by and i really depressed me. Alak looked at me a noticed i was tearing up, He asked me if i was ok I lied and said yah im fine. But i know he didnt believe me. Alak looked at Tony and they both said they will catch up with me and courtney later. we smiled and said ok. After they guys left Courtney pulled me behind the nearest tree and asked what was the matter with me, I told her i was sick and tired of looking at couples walking by. she assured me that i will find love one day. I looked at her with the most serious look i could produce with my face, she looked at me with question filled eyes and i had to explain that i didnt believe in love, i just couldnt imagine that someone could love me with all of their heart and love me for who I am. I have grown up with everyone hating me and telling me that if i continue doing what i was doing and keep on living the life i lived i would never find love, well being told that my entire life with people who were suppose to love me kind of set in, so i dont believe in love. I just looked at her as i dug out my pack of cigarettes and pulled out my botdf lighter and lit up my cigarette. She looked at me with sadness and told me that one day I will meet someone who will love me no matter how i look or act. I just looked at her than looked away.

   So your a virgin? I looked at her and said yes I am, I dont trust too many people with my heart or my drop dead sexy body!! she laughed and shook her head. She told me not to worry that there is a special someone out there for everyone and not to worry. I just rolled my eyes as i lit up another cigarette. We started to walk again and it was only 9:30am so we decided to go and check out BLack veil brides merch table. When Ashley spotted me he darted from his tent to wrap me in a hudge bear hug almost knocking me to the ground. Holy Shit Ashley are you excited to see me? Hell yah cant you tell by how i almost knocked you to the ground with my famous bear hug? yes i notices trying to regain my balace.

   We walked over to the tent together and i dug out my cigarettes again and lit one up. I saw Andy was smokeing too so I didnt feel bad for smoking around the othe band members. Hey Lyrica, hey courtney. HEY ANDY!!!! courtney said with excitment. Andy looked at me and asked what i do in my spare time, I told him i like to do special FX make up. He said really? do you have any pics? yes i do, i pulled out my phone and showed some of my best ones and he totally freaked with excitement, he asked me how come i havnt opened my own company yet, i told him that i wasnt sure i was good enough, he looked at me like i was crazy, he said i was crazy good and shoud do this as a career and not let anyone tell me otherwise. I blushed and said thanks. Andy yelled for ashley to come over and look at this stuff. Ashley ran over there and looked at my pics and he totally freaked and aggreed with anndy that i should be doing this as a career, i told both of them that i would like to start doing music videos and make up for photos in an album. They said i would be amazing and they would defenatly give me a call if they needed someone. I looked at them and said well you would need my number wouldnt you? Ashley said very quickly hell yah what is it? i gave him my number and he instantly saved it to his phone. Andy just laughed and shook his head, he told me to get ready for all texts that have nothing to do with my make up I laughed and gave a seductive smile and said alrighty. Andy just laughed and shook his head.

   Andy all of a sudden picked up my arm to examin the back of it and he seen that i had a pair of scissors tattooed as part of my sleeve. I said  yup i have always thought that they were a good tattoo. He picked up his arm to reveal his tattoo of scissors as well. It was freaking awesome. So he continued to look at my sleeve.

   I have lepard spots going up my entire arm but in random spots, I have a quote wraped around my arm that says, dont be afraid to be who you were ment to be. and on my back i have the quote every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. and i have an anchor on my forearm on my other arm. Andy thought they looked really amazing. Wow who done you tattoos? i told him different people. Wow they look like one person done them all. Thanks Andy.  Ashley turned to me, Hey Lyric wanna go get some lunch with me real quick? I havnt ate since this morning. I chuckeled and said yah sure. We walked over to where they were serving all kinds of food. I got a piece of meat lovers pizza and ashley came over to a table with a burger and fries. So Lyric where are you from? I finished chewing the bite of pizza i had in my mouth and looked up, Im from a tiny town about an hour outside of dallas. Wow really? yup so i dont live to far from here. Then all at once I heard two people run up behind me and yell Ashley!!!!! I turned around and almost passed out when i saw Dahvie Vanity and the definition of sex himself Jayy Von Monroe. I quickly turned around so they couldnt see my face go completly red. Hey Ashley, whats up? nothing much ashley replied, just eating lunch with my beautiful new friend, whats are yall up to? We came down here to get a quick bite to eat and hang out. Dahvie and Jayy sat on either side of me before speaking to me. Hi there Im Dahvie, whats your name Beautiful, I successfully held back a blush and said My name is lyric, nice to finally meet you Dahvie. Nice to meet you too, its always nice to meet a fan. I turned around when Jayy spoke up and he was as red as i would have been if i would have let it show. Hello Im Lyric, and you must be Jayy that I here soooooo much about. Jayy had a confused look on his face and said what things do you here? I smiled, nothing bad trust me, its all good things. Oh good he breathed with relief, i didnt want you to think I was a douche bag or anything. I smiled and said nooo way could you be a douche bag with that sweet smile and trusting but mysterious eyes. He looked freaked out but i laughed and said just messing with you, he chuckeled and said ok thats it shes my new friend, shes awesome. Ashley threw a french frie at Jayy and said oh Hell no shes my friend, and the mini food fight was on ketchup, mustard and mayo went everywhere in our tiny table area. After we had ran out of food me, ashley, dahvie and jayy were covered with food and soda. I was sooo mad, my carefully picked outfit was ruined and i was sticky and smelled like ketchup. Shit, now I have to run home and shower and change. Dahvie said no you dont, you can borrow our shower and im sure jayy has some clothes you can borrow. Are you sure, i asked, I dont wanna be any trouble, Jayy laughed and took me by the hand and said dont be stupid of course, your our friend right? yea, and we should always help out a friend. Thanks jayy and dahvie that saved me alot of time and gas money.

LOVE TOOK ME BY SUPRISE. (jayy von and lyric love story)Where stories live. Discover now