Untitled (part 1)

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Pitter patter... can you hear it?
The sound of the dark water falling from the sky.
The cry of mother nature as she mourns over the death of the land known as Paradise.
I stand in this sticky rain that is neither flowy nor free.
I try to catch her tears, but one by one they escape my grasp.
I try and try there is nothing I can do.
She won't stop, she just keeps crying more and more.
What have we done?
How could we do this?
Destroy the land of beauty, the land of secrets.

                                        Author's note
Hi guys, sorry for taking long to update. I am preparing for exams so I will be updating here and there. So just hold on. Please vote and comment your opinions are always welcome😁😁 Please also read "Just another rowing story" it is another story I have written and still updating. So enjoy 👌

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