My heart

25 10 7

My heart is broken,
It cannot be fixed,
It has been treated badly,
Lied to and even miss lead,

Family has destroyed it,
Friends have crushed it,
Hardwork has made it tired,
And endless failures have drowned it,

My ownself has failed it,

My heart has continuesly tried to ignore what is happening around it,
But soon it gave up,
It no longer,
Could any longer,
Take all that anymore,

Slowly it began to crack,
Pieces by pieces falling away,
For every piece,
A piece of me was gone too,

Now it is broken,
It cannot be fixed,

I want to fix it but i don't know how,
It needs attention,
But i can't give it any,

My heart is broken,
Why didn't you see it?

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