Man and nature (part 1)

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It was once  sacred.
It was once free.
It was home to the most beautiful flowers and trees.
It was also home to the biggest animals and the purest of waters.
It was ruled by Mother Nature.
She ruled it with love and care but one day this land lost it's sacrecy.

Creatures known as humans had found this land.
They had found no beauty in it.
So they destroyed it.
They tore down the trees and killed animals.
They used the land to create houses and more houses.
They had completely taken over this land.

The trees, flowers and animals cried out to Mother Nature for many days.
They pleaded with the humans.
They begged for their lives.
The humans showed no mercy and continued to kill.
These humans were greedy.

                   Author's note

Hi people it has been a long time. My exams are almost over. Hope you enjoy this half. Read, vote and comment.

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