-Chapter 3-

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-This will contain an OCs from a reader from Fanfiction,net name Theplanetmarz. Thank you for messaging me and letting me use a character of yours into my story. I appreciate it and I hope you enjoy reading your characters in my story-

A couple,of more days went on. A few things were done around the apartment, by having more decore and othee entertainments around. It seemed like it was a home. For now, the sun shined its rays down onto Zootropolis. It was the morning and suggestion was made that they'd go visit the neighbors. It was agreed and thought it be time to see who lived around them.

For the moment, Gary was up, cooking himself an omelet. He slid his spatula under to make sure it didn't stick to the pan. After doing the routine to make it not stick, he put in some cheese and mushrooms, with some chopped peppers and onions to give a bold flavor. He folded on top and had the egg sealed closed, having it flipped over constantly to make sure the egg wasn't burnt.

As he sprinkled seasoning on his breakfast, Larry walked in. He had his fur all sticking out, bags showing in his eyes, and not to mention that his cloths were all wrinkled. "Well, morning." Gary spoke out, giving a cheerful attitude to his friend. Larry responded with a "Hey.", but in a dull expression. Gary noticed his gloomed expression. "Well, I assumed you stayed up all night?" Larry grabbed a mug from the cabinets and held it by the handle, pouring the just-made coffee into his cup.

"Maybe..." Gary sighed as he noticed his friend blink rapidly from his tired self. "You shouldn't gotten that console. I knew you'd stay up." Larry chuckled as he hears his friend's concern. "Well, this is what happens when you love to game." Gary grabbed his pan and slid his omelet onto a plate, only to have the pan and spatula placed inside the sink. "I like to game to, but I'm not sure if I would stay up late."

" you liar, I know you would stay up that late." Larry looked over at his friend as he noticed that he isn't telling the truth. Gary took a minute to gather his thoughts, only to inhale, and stop. " alright you got me."

Larry Point his finger at him, only to take a sip after spoiling the lie. "Alright, don't act imature." Gary went into the drawer and grabbed a fork, only to close it with the hand that is holding the utensil. He soon grabbed his plate and walked around the counter, sitting on the stools they gotten not long ago.

Larry noticed the breakfast his friend made and was a bit jealous. "What about me?" Gary looked up at his friend as he had a bite on his fork, half way to his mouth. "Sorry, I took the last of them." Larry sigh as he reached for some yogurt in the fridge instead. "At least I have something." Larry said, getting a spoon from the drawers.

He soon opened the seal and noticed the yogurt that was inside the plastic container, having it contain fruit mixed all around. He scooped a spoonful onto his utensil and put the curved part into his mouth, having the edible substance on his tongue first, sliding the spoon out as the tasteful food spread over his tongue, and having the utensil dropped into the container. Larry walked to the edge of the counter, in front of Gary as he ate his omelet. He stared at his friend as he took spoonfuls of his yogurt into his mouth. Gary had a slight uncomfort as his froend looked at him in the eyes.

He noticed the game he was trying to play and joined in. He started into his eyes as well, taking his bites slowly just like the wolf in front of him is doing. It went on for about five minutes straight. It wasn't long for Larry to run out of what was edible in his container. He then started to take invisible scoops and placing it in his mouth. The way he done it gave the urge to Gary to laugh, but only to resist.

Larry did another invisible scoop and placed the spoon into his mouth, only to make a noise of satisfaction. Gary's face wrinkled up as he tried to hold his emotion of humor. Larry then took the spoon out of his mouth and gave a slight toss into the trash in his hands. For a thought, he had to roll up his eyes. He lifted his arms in the air, only to stretch out a word. "Yaaaaaaaasss!" Gary then burst out laughing, knowing that he could contain it in any longer. His amusment was shown to his friend as he knew he lost.

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