-Chapter 7-

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Larry was walking down the sidewalk, exploring the town that was near his home. Work was taken off at the game store, meaning it was a good moment to be alone and left with his thoughts. The weather was pretty cold, having himself wear a pair of gloves to make sure there weren't​ any numbness in the pads on his paws.

Larry liked to shop around the town, whether or not it was on his own. Though, for him at least, the afternoon was going to be different. It was planned that since he and Adam didn't have to work today, it was decided to hang out together, get to know each other a little more.

Though, as it being close to mid-day, Larry forgot where the location of his friend was. He pulled out his phone and grabbed a pen with a rubber on it, tapping away on the screen, sending a message to Adam on where he was. He put the pen and phone back in his jacket pockets as he was walked around a corner store.

As a shocker, He bumped into an individual, staring at his phone as he walked around the same corner. "Excuse me, I'm so-" The individual stopped mid-sentence at he stared at Larry. As it turned out, it was Adam himself. He was dressed is some heavy clothing as well. Only difference was that there were no coverings for his paws. "Well, what were the odds of meeting like this?" Larry huffed out a little laugh as Adam mentions the awkward meet-up. "So, any idea of what to do today?" Larry looked up as he gave thought on what to do.

Yes, an idea of hanging out was made, but they didn't plan to go anywhere. "In all honesty, I think we could start off with lunch." As Larry mentions the idea of food, Adam's stomach given off a growl, signaling himself being a bit peckish. "I think that's a good idea." "Great! Any suggestions on where?" Adam tilts his head at a direction, signaling to have Larry follow him.

"There is a fish house near by. Does that sound good?" Larry awed at that idea. "Sure, I can go for some fish." They continued their walk on the side of the streets, starting off in what ever is on there mind. "So, where's Gary by the way?" Larry looked at him as he was blowing hot air into his mittens. "He had a call in today, something about a call in sick. It seemed like it was an emergency sort of situation."

Adam tilt his head back and groaned a noise as he understood the situation. It wasn't long until Larry mentioned a question that popped into mind, breaking a silence that was about to start. "Say, how did you and Michael officially meet?" Adam laughed at the question, thinking of the past that happened before.

"Well, it was honestly a funny story. How we met was in high school. I believe it was mentioned before."

"Yes, it was."

"Well, how we first met was actually being in the High school band." Larry looked at him, listening to the intriguing response."Really, the high school band?"

"Yea, it was when we were both auditioning for percussion instruments. He wanted to play with quints, I wanted to either play with a bass drum or anything on mallets."

"So, I assume that is how you two started as friends?"

"Correct, and it wasn't long until I realized that he was into me."

Larry widened his eyes, hearing on how this was. "How could you tell?" Adam sighed as he gave a quick thought on how it was. "Well, it was first on how he kept getting into situations where he would studder around me. And let me tell you, the way he studdered was to a point where he would barely say a few words."

Before Larry would ask anything else, Adam laughed at the thought on how he and Michael met. "Sorry, I was remembering how he would sound."

"Alright, so what did you do when you caught on?"

"Well, when I first noticed, I didn't really think about it. Though, as the confused teenager I was, I started to question my interest as well." Adam licked his lips as he had a case of dry lips. "I mean, I had a crush on a few, but they were out of my league. But then, when I first noticed that Michael developed a crush on me, my feelings went all haywire, the others I thought before were gone from my mind, and I didn't know what to do."

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