-Chapter 4-

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So, from the last chapter, the two friends thought it was a wonderful idea to go and see about the neighbors that lived around there neighborhood. But now, there in a neighbor's home, with no idea on how it will turn out.

Gary and Larry sat in the kitchen, waiting for there newly-known neighbor to finish up his set up he had for his neighbors. The idea that they're meeting someone new around the neighborhood was exciting for them, the Larry had some strange thoughts about it. For one, had many different ideas on how it could turn out. These ideas go through his head, having a possibility that any of them could end in a positive or a negative. But from the looks of it, Larry didn't worry much, since it seems that the neighbor was a welcoming man.

Larry heard the rattling that was happening in the kitchen as or looked around the room. The design was interesting. The idea of having a television above a fire place, stacked up like it was some type of chimney. Though, it was a fake one, being pretty obvious with the plastic look to it.

Suddenly, a noise came From the front door. It sounded like it was opened, having it closed with a slight slam. "Michael, I'm home." A voice spoke out through the house, having the sound echo through out. Footsteps soon clapped on the floor, having them follow in t the room where Larry and Gary was located.

It only took a second for the stepping noise to happen. Until then, a fox walked around, looking down on his cellular device as walked towards the left. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a jangle of keys, tossing them inside a bowl in a table, bushes to the back of the wall.

With out looking up from his phone, he walked out and went into the kitchen. Larry looked over at Gary, seeing him just as confused as he was. "There must be something good happening on his screen." Larry mention, noticing Gary crossing his arms. "That seems like you, actually." Larry looked over at him, seeing on how he played his card.

Gary leaned to his left, looking behind Larry's back area. Larry turned around and noticed the same fix that walked in was peeking out of the kitchen, looking at the friends sitting down.

He turned his head into the kitchen and spoke. "Who are they?" Michael walked out with a tray, containing the necessities for tea. He then walked in and down, placing the tray on the counter. "These are our new neighbors." The fox looked over at them, only to look at them with slight nervous jitters coming from Larry.

"Well, hi." He spoke, waving a paw as he stuck his laws in his pockets. From the looks of it, his attire was a blue and grey stripped polo, being a thin fabric of some sort. He was wearing some khaki pants, giving him a proper look.

Gary and Larry both said there greetings, having a wave added in from Larry. "Sorry I didn't notice you while i was walking in, a friend at work was keeping me busy." He walked around the room and went up to the couch Michael was sitting in. He leaned forward as he bent his knees, having himself sink into the couch.

Larry and Gary leaned forward as they noticed Michael was pouring the water out of the hot kettle into some mugs. After setting it down, he picked up the packets the friends asked for and handed it to them, letting them open it for there own purposes. Thank yous was spoken and then started to open there little pouches of tea, dipping them in the hot water.

As the tea bags were flavoring the water, a moment of silence was given. "So..." Michael said, breaking the treatment that was given. "Why not try and know each other more." He adjusted his sitting, getting it to where he can turn to everyone easily.

So, I guess you haven't mentioned you name." Michael said to the fox. The fox gave a sigh as he bolted himself upwards, forcing himself with arms out. "Alright, so... since I didn't mention it earlier, my name is Adam. For my work placing, I go down and work as the local Gaming store, I'm 22, and I'm a relaxed guy when your around me. So, that's basically it."

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