-Chapter 8-

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The apartment was cold as Larry entered through the door, having the light of the sunset shine in. As he turned on the light, he ran to the thermostat and turned up the heat. The heating fans started to racket as he walked over to the fridge. He placed his left overs in the fridge, setting them down on an empty space.

As he walked over to the coat rack, he heard his phone buzzed a rapid beat. Larry searched for his cellular device as he heard the vibrations. It wasn't long until he realized the phone was in the jacket pocket. As he dug it out, the screen shined bright with a showing that it was Gary. Making him on the edge. Larry swiped the green button, being hesitant of the situation. He placed it up to his ear and spoke the word that everyone says.


"Hey, Larry. You busy at the moment?"

"Uhh..." Larry sounded, wondering on how to respond. "I'm not actually. I just arrived at the house. Why?"

"Well, I assumed you made plans since you didn't have work and I didn't want to interrupt anything."

"N-no, you're fine. In all honesty, I just arrived home. So, unless a fire or something happens, I am available to talk to you."

"Alright... Well, I was checking on you since I had to leave earlier than usual, and that there hasn't been any response from you since."

Larry placed his paw on his chest, mouthing the word "Aww", thinking it was sweet that he was thought of. "That's fine, at least you remembered."

"Sorry, for not responding earlier. The day was hectic."

"No, no need. I understand."

Silence trailed on as another topic was awaited for discussion. Larry soon asked something to Gary. "So, what are you doing right now?" he soon asked. "Well, as of right now, I am on my way to the apartment." The idea of telling him soon made Larry anxious. He then begun pacing back and forth across the front door. Not quickly, but a small amount of movement to keep him from breaking down. "Alright, how far are you from home?" Another silent moment happened as Larry assumed that Gary was checking his surroundings.

"From the looks of it, I am about five minutes away. Why, you doing something?" Gary asked a question, emphasizing the sound to the phrase he said. Larry wondered what he meant until he realized his friend was being dirty minded. "Gary, good god..." Larry placed his face in the palm of his hands as he heard his friend laugh over the phone. "I'm just messing with you. I'll see you soon."

"Alright, later."

Larry ended the call, following it with a heavy sigh. "Alright, I can do this. I'm sure that things will turn up." He stood there, getting more nervous as he kept thinking about it. "Okay, I don't know if I can do this." He crossed his arm and had the other one vertical, having him biting a nail that was from his paw. "Come on, come on..." He started pacing in the room again, only in a faster movement as his worries are affecting him. It wasn't long until the idea of sketching could help him calm down in some sort of way.

He walked over to the living room and grabbed the sketch book that was placed under the coffee table. He piced it up and slid out the pencil that was clipped onto the notebook. The idea of trying to sketch something complicated might do it. With the ideas of practicing with paws, he formed the shapes of the hands and started to trace what he wanted done.
The paw outlining was about done until he heard the door creak. He looked up in fear as he noticed the door was being opened. Adjusting himself towards the door, Gary walked in. "Hey, your back." Larry spoke up as Gary closed the door. "Yep, I am finally back." Gary spoke with a sigh. "Finally, I can relax at home."

Gary looked in the fridge as Larry stared at his friend, feeling more worried then ever. Gary picked up the left overs and opened it, seeing the crab legs that was in the styrofoam container. "Hey, could I have the rest of this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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